Chapter 9: The Braizen Bull

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Greg and Izleena bowed, taking a knee and presenting their offering, the crossbow, as well as a quiver of arrows far too long for it. Leena stepped forward.

"A gift to honor the goddess of the hunt, my finest weapon. May it be a symbol of prosperity to all." She said, a regal accent, humbly stepping back.

"And a barrel of my master's finest mead." Greg said, presenting the barrel. "May it honor the great Dionysus with much enjoyment and pleasure in today's festivities?"

"And for my gift." Trembled Thaddeus, "A feast of the eyes, and a tease of the senses. May your lust boil and your appetite be quenched, if you should choose to bless us with the patience of a god. For no mortal man could resist her charm and grace, and only a god of patience and timing such as yourself, should enjoy her as your prize." He said, nodding to Greg and clapping as drums began beating and trumpets played an enticing tune of mystery.

"Greg, what are we waiting for?" Izleena muttered through a closed mouth.

"We're waiting for better scans, Leena. That fucker is 5 times my size, and armored to the hilt. I assumed when they said he was too big to fly they meant lardass, not side of beef. I can't just go swinging and hope to do something. Gizzy needs to get closer, get better readings before the shit hits the fan. You're not gonna like this next part, but trust me, I like it even less." He sighed.

"Oh gross." She cringed as Gizzy was untied, standing slowly, and revealing her heavily adorned body, wearing very little but the coins and lace of a belly-dancer.

"Oh trust me; we're all grossed out by where this is going." Greg whispered. Gizzy placed a bare foot forward, undulating slowly to the beat, and making her way forward.

"How bold of you to suggest my patience." Dionysus growled. "But continue as you wish." He nodded in approval. Gizzy took a harsh step, grabbing the wooden pole and spinning around it, as the cart wheeled to the foot of the throne and Dionysus leaned to the edge of his seat. She slid, moon-walking from it with a spin, pretending to fall over, catching herself with the pole, and grabbing a bottle of wine from the barrels at the rear of the cart. She slowly and seductively licked the bottle, playfully biting the cork off and spitting it skyward. Gizzy let out a deep sigh, closing her eyes and pouring the white wine down her scalp and body, shaking her dreadlocks free and dropping suddenly as if either displaying her ass, or unscrewing something near the base of the wooden pole.

"Come a little closer, this carriage doesn't do well with steps." She winked, tonguing her canines and spinning around the pole.

"How long do you plan to tempt me?" The bull asked, standing up and moving to the edge of the steps, sitting in front. He now sat centered off the elevated platform, and was eye-level to a nearly 8 foot Gizzy, on a 3 foot high carriage base.

"Doesn't a little wait make the feast better?" She asked, pouring some of the wine into her mouth and leaning forward to pour the rest into his, shaking her breasts in the process and scanning inside of his helmet.

"A little wait may ripen the fine wine, but a tried-patience may anger the most patient god. Is this faith in my patience, or are you foolishly trying to make this worse on yourself?" he asked, reaching out and lightly touching her thigh.

"Gross." Izleena scowled.

"Oh I bet I can handle you better then you can imagine." Gizzy whispered, moving his gaze to her displayed rear and away from the fact that the pole itself was rotating on its last threats. She shook her ass and loosened the pole free.

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