Additionally, you do not have to be specially gifted with psychic abilities to be a witch. Magick simply requires your will and focus. You do not need special tools, to be descended from witches, to be initiated by an elder, or be trained under a mentor. All you need is your intuition and dedication; that is to listen to your heart and follow your own path.

Types of Witches

You might have heard of different types of witches. Types are useful for navigating the seemingly endless possibilities that witchcraft has to offer, but do not feel like you must label yourself. Labels can be limiting when the very essence of being a witch is to escape from the status quo and discover your own unique truth. So I suggest to only use witch types as a stepping stone rather than absolute dogma.

Here is a list of common types of witches. This is by no means an exhaustive list, and I must stress again that you do not need to label yourself at all. Defining your own path is something that can take years, and continues to re-shape throughout your lifetime as a witch.

🧙 Ceremonial witch: Otherwise known as high magick, ceremonial magick involves elaborate and precise words, tools, and movements. Ceremonial witches practise very specific rituals from older more traditional occult teachings like Thelema, The Golden Dawn, Enochian magick, and the Kabbalah.

🎲 Chaos witch: Often called "chaotes", a chaos witch works within chaos philosophy. It can be summarised as "anything goes" although of course not quite as simple as that. It is primarily the idea that the mind creates reality, and whatever brings results is the way to go (results-driven magick). It is the polar opposite of ceremonial magick (3). Chaotes often work with sigils, but their practices are unlimited due to the nature of chaos philosophy.

🤐 Closet witch: This does not refer to a set of practices, but rather a witch who is in the "broom closet". This is a witch who has to keep their practices secret from their family, friends, or the general public. As you might have guessed, it's the same concept as the LGBTQ+ "closet", but when you are a witch it is known as "the broom closet". 

🪐 Cosmic witch: Works with planetary energies, often keeps track of planetary movements and likes astrology.

🔮 Crystal witch: Likes to work with stones, gems, minerals, and crystals in their craft. They often use crystal healing, crystal grids, and pendulums.

💻 Cyber witch: Also known as a tech witch, a cyber witch incorporates modern technology into their craft. This includes coding spells, using rapid cyclers for divination, and casting spells over video calls using the Internet.

♾️ Eclectic witch: A freeform path with unlimited possibilities. Eclectic witches mix and match different practices with whatever feels right to them. This is the opposite of a witch who may only follow a specific tradition (like Vodou) without ever incorporating ideas and practices outside of their tradition.

🌬️ Elemental witch: Works very closely with the elements. Sometimes they only work with their personal element(s) (this can be determined with various methods like your natal chart or numerology), or they can also choose to work with all the elements (earth, air, fire, & water).

🧚 Faerie witch: Nature-based witchcraft that involves working with fairfolk and nature spirits.

🌿 Green witch: Works very closely in-tune with nature. Likely grows their own herbs and natural ingredients as part of their craft. Sometimes works with the elements and nature spirits. Uses any excuse be in nature's presence and likes to work outside.

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