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June 21st, 2020

A secret laboratory protected by the government actually existed in a closed off area, and John had to figure out why.

He scanned through the files again, confirming what he thought it meant. He had joked to himself about being a spy, but stealing files from your immature boss was one thing, and sneaking into a protected laboratory that probably conducted all sorts of weird experiments was another. The government did well with consuming the presence of the place, as even John had never once heard of a mention from it.

The files spoke of a dangerous virus that could cause an outbreak, and it was being tested there, whatever there was.

A hint John could not just ignore, but what could he possibly do about it? No one would tell him more, as he wasn't even supposed to know this much. His friends in the science world retired, leaving a younger generation with huge aspirations. John was not one of them, nor did he get along with them.

Laboratory Ghostani was the name given to this secret place, and if the information Chris had was anything to go by, It was where the country hid its greatest secrets.

A virus that could create zombies, A.I. so smart they could turn on us, and proof of aliens could all be on the menu.

John lingered at the possibility.

It was impossible.

Ghostani is protected by the government, and if it's as grand as his conspiracies would assume, there is no way he can breach it.

But if he were to breach it, he could prevent it from happening.

June 21st, 2425

The truck walked its last step when we stopped at the road, that much was clear. It already was an old model, as all of our newer ones were swarmed with zombies. We were close enough to our destination that we could still survive, but at what cost? Is this earth even worth living in?

With every passing hour, my answer became more apparent. It was a solid no.

The road remained normal, but it seemed as everything else on earth withered away. The sky was just dead, with no clouds roaming it.

There were still living creatures on this piece of land though. My eyes met my sister's, and her trying to run away was still in the back of my mind. I needed to be there for her. The road was not the worst place to be, it gave good vision, and only two sides to watch. No zombies would take us by surprise. Aliens from the sky would be far more complicated. Hell, the zombies could pop up where we least expect them, right in the middle of us. Steps became more tiring as time went on, and glancing down at my feet just made me wish I had my Hoverboard.

According to my mom, it was all not gloom. She rallied Alice and I together, and tried to start a conversation.

Two minutes into it, everything we started talking about ended up in the same place. The catastrophic earth we remained in.

Alice had a future in law, I knew it, but it seemed now that there was no future for anything. Me? I wasn't quite sure, but I wasn't half bad at studies, and even better at Skating.

"We're alive, though. The Andrews family is still alive, and that's what matters for now." Mom patted our heads.

"Not all of us." Alice whispered, but we heard nonetheless.

Quite the family talk, that one. It's insane to think about what happened the past few days. One thing was always there to torment me, though. Dad. I tried my best to ignore what happened, and the fact that I didn't get the chance to sit down helped me not think about it. It was there though, both in dreams and reality. I wanted to be just like him. He had everything I had, but more.

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