
3 1 0

June 19th, 2425

"Mom." I whispered as I leaned forward towards her.

We drove through the morning, and it was almost 10 AM now.

The alarms stopped after a while, but it brought the zombies closer together. Again and again we had to take a longer route to avoid them, and even I noticed the fuel running low.

"Yeah? Shouldn't you be sleeping, dear? You've had a long day." My mother answered.

I looked at Alice next to me, who was deep in sleep. The answer was probably, but I had to know something.

"Is Dad okay?" I asked, the words softening my voice.

"I..." I could tell she was going to lie, until she looked me in the eye and saw that the only way to satisfy me was the truth "don't know. He was protecting the one safe place we had. It didn't look good, but he promised that he would be fine." Her voice broke as she finished the sentence.

"He will be." Lucas cut into the conversation "Your father is one hell of a man, Kai." He then stared at my mom and spoke with confidence. "Olivia, I'll take the wheel."

Before my mother could respond, Lucas mouthed "They need you" to her.

This meant Mom joined us at the backseats, and hugged both me and my sister. My trembling ceased as my muscles relaxed in her warmth.

"I love you two more than anything else." she whispered, and even my sister seemed to don a smile as she slept.

Unconsciousness took me, and in my dreams the sky colored itself blue like the sea. It did not carry the weight of dark clouds anymore. In their place flew lighter clouds, ones that hadn't seen the world collapse.

"Hey! Kai, let's go to the forest." A younger Alice pleaded, and pulled me by the hand.

"Just stay safe." My father warned, his face much younger than the one I saw a few hours ago.

It all vanished.

"From earth to Kai: We arrived." A normal looking Alice teased and tapped my shoulder.

Lucas hit the brakes rather abruptly,

"What's wrong?" My mom questioned.

We all waited for a response, but there was none. I searched through the window as I stretched, looking for what triggered my uncle's pause.

As it often was in the past day, Zombies were the problem.

Ten of them surrounded an entrance, and slammed into it every now and again.

When one looked me in the eye, I turned to my family.

My mother sighed, and Alice studied her in silence.

"He could be inside." It was clear my mom was trying to soothe us, and perhaps herself too.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go in!" My sister had no patience. That much was clear.

"Olivia, are you sure this is a good idea?" Lucas questioned, and was only answered with a glare.

"Fine." He continued, leaving the car and dropping to the ground.

"What's he doing?" I directed the question towards Mom.

"Watch and learn, Kai. You'll need it."

Lucas picked a rock, and launched it away from the door.

The zombies followed the noise like a dog going after a scent, and the doors that led to my father were clear.

Alice was out of the door first, and ran straight for the entrance.

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