A message

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June 18th, 2426
"Hey. My name is Kai, Kai Andrews."  I spoke to the recorder. "This is about to sound really crazy, but I swear I'm not lying. This message is from the future to warn you about what's going to happen to your timeline if YOU can't convince the world to save it. The memory is as clear as crystal in my mind, it seemed pretty normal for us. Of course, it wouldn't be normalized for you because your world didn't reach the level of our pollution yet.
Dark clouds devoured the skies, and drops of water fell down on the city.
Then the worst possible scenario occurred, not just for me, but for humanity in general.
It's almost like the earth was so done with us dumping our trash on it that it went:
'HEY! If you'll dump trash on me guess I'll just send your corpses to eat you up.'
Yep, you heard me. It's a zombie story, wahoo.
Before I get to the... more interesting parts, I'd like to tell you a few things.
I'm sending this from the year 2426, and the country XX2. I'm not sure if this will get where I want it to be, but if my estimations are anywhere near correct, then it's around 2020.
Humans achieved a lot since your days, creating inventions so great that nature itself could be replaced. Who needs a real dog when you could have an electronic one?
That's beyond the point, what matters is we damaged the earth to a stage that it started replying to us.
Thus started the phenomenon called The Trimageddon.
More on that later, for now, I'll show you what's left of this world.
Darkness towered above us, calling that darkness the sky would be an insult to what it once was."
"Hey! Kai! What are you doing?" A robot so small it would be considered a dwarf if it was a human pulled on my clothes, like a child pulling their dad's or mom's for attention.
"Mellow! Go away, I'm recording something for an important mission."
"What kinda mission? Are the Aliens coming?"
"No! We're good. Go recharge yourself."
"Okay! Good luck." Mellow turned around and started walking away, making pew pew sounds as he pointed his robotic arm into his surroundings.
My eyes followed the adorable robot as he went through gates that opened for him, which had a small shield logo engraved on it. My feet moved, entering the base of operations.
People crowded around one table, listening intently as a woman who wore glasses declared:
"We can nullify the threat, expand, return the world to what it used to be."
I lent on the wall by the door, awaiting to see the reaction of the survivors.
"We aren't ready, not yet. A start is possible, however. Together we can do more of what we've already done!" A slightly older man replied, raising his hands to cheer.
"YEAH!" Mellow joined in.
I grinned, but walked away anyways. Mellow could only stand there between them because of you...
Going outside again, the atmosphere turned foggy. I pushed through the fog while covering my face, and stopped by a rock that had "The resting place of war heroes" written on it.
I grabbed the recorder from my pocket as I walked past the stone, and dropped to the ground near a grave.
                          The one we owe most
The grass was wet with recent rain, and the fog only grew thicker.
It didn't matter though, I had to do this.
I pressed record.
"Why am I introducing you to this world by showing you a grave? Well, because that's all the earth has anymore, death. Yet we live, and-"
The ground shook, the sand stirring in the graves of the dead. I stood, focusing on my surroundings.
There was no beam hitting the large see-through barrier that engulfed the base of operations, nor alien ships or large robots.
My breath got heavier, and I realized what was happening.
An arm popped out of Stark's grave, and it pinched the ground so hard you could feel it's starvation.
Many followed, the bloodied arms all pulling their owners outside of their graves.
Their faces had been scarred so bad they barely looked like themselves, but I recognized each one.
My hand lingered over the pistol in my pocket, but I pressed the recorder again.
"Sorry. Got to go, Zombies paid me a visit. My story will be told through this, and I trust you to spread it, ancestor."

June 18th, 2020

"John Roberts, let me get this straight. So you want us, no, the whole world to stop using fossil fuels entirely? How would the world even function?" The smug look fit the man perfectly, a dashing blue suit matched with a child-like colorful necktie cleared any doubts about how seriously he viewed the situation.
"Ever heard of Renewable energy? Hear me out. We have a lot of natural resources that will replace fossil fuels, and those will not lead the world to destruction as we are now. Give the United Nations a chance to vote on this manner." John declared, hoping that he could change the direction of this conversation.
"No chance in hell. The UN have much to discuss, but made up stories of doomsday are not on the agenda. Nor is anyone going to be convinced to slow down their energy usage for the sake of an environment that we are working on fixing."
"We are not doing enough! We need something more!"
"Get out, now." A glare struck through John, leaving him no choice but to leave. His fists clenched against each other so hard almost as if he was trying to break something he had no chance of breaking.
The streets of New York had been beautiful that day, but that was ignoring the dire smell that was behind every alleyway. That was ignoring the rivers in the city which were once beautiful, now filled with garbage beyond repair.
John smashed the door to his apartment open, and collapsed on the couch.
Minutes later, He regained enough energy to stand up. Grabbing a newspaper, John looked through the papers that told many stories about; the celebrities of America, the politics of the country, and even the sports. Yet there was nothing about the environment, and there wasn't anything last week either. Although forest fires consumed countries across the world, and those unfortunate enough to have lived in some islands have drowned due to the rising sea level, it's not enough to grab a spot on the front page of a Newspaper.
On the floor near the door, a metal box sat.
He leaned down to get it, but the moment he touched it, it opened.
A hologram appeared in front of me, resulting in John falling on his butt.
The color of the diamonds filled the boy's eyes, and his messy brown hair really needed a cut.
"Hey. My name is Kai, Kai Andrews."
"What the hell?" was the only valid response John had in store.
"This is about to sound really crazy, but I swear I'm not lying." The hologram continued.
Oh. So it's a recording.
John's eyes found their way to the metal box again, and while it was designed weirdly, it still had a few buttons.
"This message is from the-"
The symbols on the buttons did not make sense, but usually on a device like this the button for pause would be.... that.
The hologram froze in place, and John's eyes widened at the technology.
He heated some popcorn and sat down, it must've been a gift from god to enjoy this piece of technology after that horrible day.
He pressed play.

Trimageddon Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora