Chapter 33: Krypto - Part 1

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"You did."

"I've always done what's best for you haven't I?"


"Tomorrow is Christmas Day, most of his staff will be home for the holidays, hell, even he might not be there. We send in the dog, get the money and we're out of this Podunk town. We'll send in Hercules as back-up if you want?"

"No, Hercules is for attack, he isn't meant for stealth. Einstein can do it; I know he can do it."

"Good, shoot him up with his smart-juice again tomorrow, and we'll be having a very Merry Christmas. Then we'll put them down, and get out of here."

"Put them down?"

"We don't want to have any evidence on us do we? Put them both down and then we'll go."

Einstein was staring at the two intently, tail still and a plan forming in his enhanced Canine mind.

Zack and Josh Greenfield turned off the lights of the veterinary surgery, and locked the door. Zack neglected to notice a window he'd left unlocked.

Listening intently and hearing nothing, Einstein the dog used his teeth to unlock his cage door. For a dog that could open safes, a dog-proof cage was nothing. Once out he shook himself and looked to his compatriot who was whining in his cage. Einstein padded over and undid the cage, and Hercules bounded out. They both climbed out of the window and into the night.


Christmas Eve had been an interesting experience for the Kent family with the addition of Martha's father. Although he and Jonathan actively avoided talking to each other, dinner had been pleasant, the rest had made nice small talk, and gifts had been exchanged but not opened as it wasn't Christmas day. William Clark had embraced his daughter and granddaughter, shaken hands tensely with his Son-in-Law, and gotten in his chauffeur car to go to Metropolis Airport. The gifts had been placed under the tree, and they'd all gone to bed.

Christmas Day went to its usual routine, they woke early and tended to the animals, feeding them a little extra as it was Christmas and did their rounds of the property to make sure all was well. Breakfast consisted of pancakes, and then they opened their presents. Jonathan how had a new sweater from Clara and a scarf from Martha, Martha has a carved Jewellery box from Jonathan and a new set of cushion covers from Clara, and Clara had a new patchwork quilt from her Mom and a carved wooden chest with her name engraved into it.

"Dad, this is awesome! Thank you!"

"I think you've outgrown your old one. If you decide to room in Metropolis for college you might want to bring a little of home with you. Open it, there's a surprise."

Clara opened the chest and her Dad showed her that the trunk had a false bottom, underneath was a compartment big enough to hide items, and carved with the symbol of the house of El.

"Just in case you need somewhere to keep things safe."

They hugged, and then worked together to start preparing dinner. Jonathan washed and peeled while Martha and Clara began to cook. Dinner as always was delicious and they rounded off the afternoon by playing chess and other board games. Their Christmas had been regular and peaceful, until 7pm when a car screeched into their driveway and frantic knocking rattled their door.

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