First Day

48 5 14

Sayiha's POV :


Life is so unpredictable... Funny how you become so fond of a stranger.

Rudro is someone for whom I've felt so deeply in my heart.

Okay enough of my serious dialogues
Now let me start my Movie.


New College

I join a new popular well known college of our town. This place is full of meritorious students.

They can't do anything else other than studying.

And I used to hate the brilliant students of class not because they are brilliant but because they keep asking millions of questions to teachers and disturb the whole class. I'm so fed up with their nonsensical questions. "Sir, Why,? how!? when?! where?! which?! ..blah blah blah!!" I feel like to ask Girl why do you exist in our class??!

😑 Brilliant nonsense people.

I'm so lonely here. I miss my girls so much. They are my best friends and I miss them all the time but I miss them more when I'm all alone in this new college. New environment sucks!

I look outside the window since my mind is not in the class. It wants to float with the clouds in the sky when it is around study materials.


Suddenly our teacher calls my name.


Is he calling me or I'm day dreaming?

Excuse me Sayiha Malik!!!!

I snap back to reality and cast a look at teacher..

"What are you starting at??", Sir yells.

"Sorry sir I was absent minded"

"Shut up!! Now tell me Newtons Third law."

"Every action has equal and opposite reaction", I reply confidently.

This is the best and realistic law of Newton.

"Your answer is correct. Keep standing"

"Why sirr!! Noo"

"Because you were looking outside the window. Now if you argue I'll throw you out of class"


Looks like Sir's mood is not good today. Maybe he got scolded by his wife this morning.

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