Party Starts Now

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     "Simba!" Kion heard a crowd of animals say, all of them huddled up against the king and queen of the Pride Lands. All of them were obviously lions.

"Wow, I didn't expect so many lions." Luna whispered over to Kion.

"Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I didn't wanna come back here." Kion whispered which made Luna nervously chuckle. She was rethinking if letting Kion come here instead of a date was a good idea.

"Simba, how've you been?" One of the lions asked, Kion recognized him as, Sora. He was a dark tanned lion with a spikey grey mane.

"I'm good, Sora, how're you and your family?" Simba asked, happy to see his second best friend again in a long time.

"Oh you know, it's complicated but it's fun." Sora's mate, Xena, said. The three of them laughed. Sora looked around to see his daughters talking to some of the younger lions their age. 

Sora smiled, glad to see them getting along. But then, Sora noticed something, where was Simba's son? Kion, right? Where was he?

Sora looked around the group and noticed Kion, along with some other young female lion talking to each other. Of course, they didn't recognize her, so he decided to walk up to them.

"Oh hello, Kion. You've sure grown the last time I saw you." Sora said with a cheerful grin. Kion and Luna stopped their conversation and looked up at the adult lion.

"Oh, what's up, Sora? It has been a while." Kion said with a slight smile. Kion didn't have any problems with Sora, if anything, he was actually the first adult lion who didn't really ignore him. Back in the past, he remembered Sora had to babysit the royal cubs because the King and Queen had to leave the Pride Lands at times. Sora made time for the daughters but even made time for the son and they'd always had fun together.

"And who's your friend?" Sora looked over at Luna who waved with a smile.

"This is Luna. She's my girlfriend, actually."

Sora's eyes widened, he didn't expect Kion to date so early. But at the same time, it wasn't his place to say and he would be lying if he'd say he wasn't happy for him.

"Really? Well congratulations you two." Sora said.

"Thanks." Both Kion and Luna said at the same time and Sora walked up to join the others.

Kion then looked to the side to the crowd of lions.

"Ugh." Kion quietly groaned.

"What is it?" Luna asked.

"You see that lion over there?" Kion pointed out and Luna looked at his direction and saw a male cub. He seemed the same age as Kion and Luna but a little older. But he has red tuff on his head while his skin color is all brown and his chest was tanned.

"He's Rex and I was really hoping he wouldn't show up." Kion said and Luna turned to her boyfriend.

"What? Why's that?" She asked.

"He used to bully me back when we were a bit younger, along with his friends too. Him leaving the Pride Lands was one of the best days of my life." Kion said with a bit of irritation.

Luna looked back at the cub and frowned a little. So not only his sisters but other cubs to, huh? In all honesty, she doesn't like anyone who bothers her boyfriend.

Kion noticed her look and it even made him a little worried. If there was one thing a male should know in a relationship, is that the girl has full control of it. Never...make...a...girl...angry. ESPECIALLY, if she's the one your dating.

"U-Uh...everything okay?" Kion stuttered.

"Yeah, nothing really." Luna sighed and turned to her boyfriend.

"Okay everyone!" Everyone turned to Nala.

"Let's head back into Pride Rock, let's start our celebration." Nala said and everyone cheered except Luna and Kion.

All lions were beginning to leave and no one noticed that Luna and Kion were left behind.

"Wanna head down to the lair of Pride Rock?" Kion asked and Luna looked at him.

"Yeah, finally some alone time." Luna said and Kion blushed at that but warmly smiled.

Both cubs went the opposite direction

Kion pushed aside the vines and holding them for Luna to walk in. They walked downstairs and Luna was shocked at the sight.

It was so beautiful in here. A nice river and a mini waterfall and the holes in the ceiling letting the night sky shine in was amazing.

"Wow, this place looks awesome." Luna admired and Kion chuckled at that.

"Yep, it's a really nice place to relax and have fun." Kion said and Luna looked up at Kion.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Luna asked.

"I dunno, I just don't wanna be with them up there." Kion said, referring to the other lions and the royal family.

"Hm? What about Sora? You seemed to get along with him." Luna asked.

"Yeah but he's the only one. The other lions don't pay attention to me at all and I don't really wanna be with the younger ones because they usually hang with the royal sisters and they even bullied me too back then. So yeah. Sora is the only one I get along" Kion shrugged.

Luna looked at him with a bit of a sad look. It's like almost everyone is against him and he didn't even do anything wrong. Luna walked up to Kion and nuzzled against his chest.

"Well, you're not gonna go through that anymore because I'm here now." She said quietly but Kion heard it and he couldn't help but smile and nuzzle his girlfriend back.

They were nuzzling for a few minutes, they were able to hear the cheers and talking from above but that didn't bother them. They eventually separated and Luna was thinking of something for them to do.

Luna thought for a little bit and walked up, close to his face which caught Kion off-guard.

"How about you teach me some more of Cobra Kai." Luna asked.

Kion was surprised but smirked.

"Really? You seemed awfully tired when we were training the other day. You sure you can handle it?" Kion asked with a playful smirk.

"Oh come on." Luna playfully whined.

Kion smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright." Kion agreed. Luna grinned and asked something playfully:

"Okay, so what're you gonna teach me today, Senpai?"

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