New Light

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     Kion looked around and saw the animals clapping and cheering. Kion was just surprised, more that he used all of his training to good use. Kion then suddenly smiled, his training was paying off, and animals are acknowledging him now!

Kion then laid his eyes on Luna, who was looking back him. She formed a little smile on her face, and Kion was even more happy. For some reason, Kion felt something when both of them gazed at each others eyes. His heart suddenly fluttered. The two stared at each for quite some time, but that was until he looked at his sisters who were staring at him in shock. 

But Kion mostly focused on Karah, once they looked at each other, Kion lightly glared at her. Karah was shocked but that reaction from her little brother got her confused. Kion jumped down from the rock and walked passed his sisters.

All of them just watched Kion walk past them, a little bit more confused and...hurt? Karah turned to Jeuri, who was also looking at the young cub.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow." Karah said and Jeuri looked at her and nodded, both Luna and Jeuri walking back to their home.

Karah and the rest of the siblings followed Kion back home.

Couple minutes later

The sun is setting and the royal cubs were walking back to Pride Rock. There was silence between the siblings. Kion was walking ahead, paying no attention to his sisters taking a couple glances at him. 

To all of them, Kions actions caught them off guard, especially Karah. Karah glanced at Kion the most. She wondered what happened to her younger brother. She always knew him as...well...silent but also annoying...kind...nice...Karah just started to rethink those words and then she started to think about the way she treated him. Their relationship was unhealthy, and Kion never really started fights, sure he would retort which is his annoying side...but he was, usually settle and tries to fit in. Karah then glanced at her brother once again, and he's change. Just a few days ago, they fought again and then he just...flipped. This started when Kion snapped at their mom and her.

Karah was shocked by his actions, they way he just screamed at their mom like that, sounded like every word he said, he meant it. Karah knew one thing and Kion never lies, he actually never lied in his life. And that's a good thing, but with the words he said, she wonders if it was a good thing or not. Then, Karah saw her younger brother beat down her ex boyfriend and his friends. He basically defended her.

Karah  sighed and decided to start up a conversation.

"Hey...Kion?" Karah said, she was a little nervous, it was like she didn't know him anymore.

Kion only responded with turning his head towards her, making it known that he was listening.

"Thanks." Karah only said and watched her younger brother turn his head back towards the path.

"For what?" He asked, this made, not only Karah, but the rest of his sisters confused.

"For...defending me against him." Karah said, she was truly thankful. Karah felt dumb for not listening to Kion, but when she heard Kyron talk about her behind her back, she wanted to thank and apologize to Kion so much.

Kion didn't say anything for the moment but then stopped and turned around to face Karah, who stopped a couple feet away from him. The other sisters also stopped.

Karah saw something on her brothers face that completely shocked her. Nothing. His face showed no emotion. Normally, his face would show signs of life or happiness, but's nothing. More so, Kion just darkened his face into a glare which sent a couple shivers down her spine.

"Listen, you'd better not tell mom or dad about that fight." Kion said and then looked at his other sisters.

"That goes for all you, got that?" Kion confronted, all of his sisters were shocked.

"What? Why?" Komu asked, surprised by her brothers actions.

"Cause I've got a lot to deal with right now and the last thing I want is mom and dad lecturing me." Kion explained. His sisters were silent. Mostly, they were trying to find out what happened to their brother.

And then, Kion stared up at Karah.

"And don't get the wrong idea! Just because I helped you back there, doesn't mean we're cool." Kion said, Karah was more so ever surprised. But she was mostly...sorrowful. When he said those words, Karah just felt a sting of pain in her heart, like she's lost someone.

Kion just felt nothing but anger right now, like, how could they just think because he defended them ONE time, that makes up for everything they did? Kion decided to keep his cool down, and took a deep breath.

Kion then spoke in a soft voice.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have been that harsh." Kion apologized as he looked at the ground. His sisters said nothing but looked at each other with confused expressions.

"Look...just, don't tell mom and dad, okay?" Kion asked, his sisters said nothing but nodded in agreement and the rest of them walked back home, not speaking another word.

The Next Day

"All of them?" Taka asked, Kion was standing in front of him in the Cobra Kai dojo.

"Yeah, it all happened so fast, I blocked, I anticipated, I slithered!" Kion listed the things he used that his senpai taught him.

"'re parents are gonna kill both of us." Taka said, now he might have to worry about dealing with this cubs parents.

"Meh, so what? It's not like they'll care." Kion muttered, which didn't go unheard by Taka. Taka decided to ignore it and walked up to him.

"So lemme get this straight. You used all of the lessons I taught you...and you used them, to straight up beat the crap out of those punks?" Taka asked, Kion felt a little nervous, thinking he was in trouble, but he wasn't going to lie.

"Well, yeah?"

Taka just warmly smiled at him and said:

"Follow me."

Kion got confused until he followed him and Taka walked behind the dojo and there was a few junk laying there, Taka rummaged through it, and pulled something out. It was a neckless, with a snake and the Cobra Kai sign on it.

"I wore this back when I trained...once you put this'll forever be, Cobra Kai." Taka said as he held out the neckless.

Kion just looked at the neckless and back to his senpai.

Kion didn't even think, but took the neckless and placed it on. Kion felt like he did the right thing, because he feels like Cobra Kai is his savior.

And he would forever be, Cobra Kai

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