Training Is Back On

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     Taka was back at the dojo, rethinking of everything him and his grandson did. He wondered if what he taught him was such a good idea. But none the less, Taka can't even go near him anymore, it was a direct order from the queen.

"Hey, Senpai." A voice called out, Taka quickly raised his said and was overly shocked to see his grandson there. But then the events from last night came to him.

"What're you doing here? You're mom told you to stay away, didn't she?" Taka explained.

"No." Kion said flatly and Taka looked at him with his eyebrows raised.

"She's not my mom, anymore." Kion growled, and that surprised Kion. Something must've happened because this was the first time Kion acted...strange, to him at least.

"Okay...but are you ready to take this training to the next level?" Taka asked and Kion smirked at him and said:

"Yes Senpai."

"Now you got you're butt kicked because you didn't have any defense. So I'm gonna teach you the best defense you can know. And the best more offense." Taka said as he got into a fighting position and Kion smirked.

For the next couple days, Kion has been doing push-ups, sit-ups, doing laps around the Pride Lands, blocking and punching with the spars he had against Taka. But also, Kion started avoided his family a lot and he didn't even see them for the next couple of days. Nala wanted to look around but decided not to, thinking Kion needed more time. And Kion was improving a lot. Now the next day was another painful day of training...

"What does a cobra do?!" Taka asked as he head Kion in a head-lock. These past couple days, during those spars he had against his grandfather, he would always grab him in a head-lock and tried to ask him what a cobra would do but nothing would come to mind.

But then, at that moment, Kion realized what he meant to do.

Kion quickly used his left elbow of his leg to elbow his grandfather in the got and almost twisting his arm.

"Slither!" Kion yelled out, realizing what Taka was trying to teach him and Taka just smirked at his grandsons improvement.

"Not bad" Taka said and Kion smiled. Kion was super proud of himself for making it this far.

"Hey, um, is there where we can learn Cobra Kai karate?" A voice asked from behind and Taka turned around and Kion looked behind and was surprised but super happy at the same time.

"Karter! Kody!" Kion cheered and ran up to them.

"Kion!" Both of his friends cheered also and ran up to him also all did a high-five. Taka was a bit confused.

"Senpai, meet my friends, Karter and Kody." Kion introduced.

"These are the friends I talked about how they might join." Kion said and Taka walked up and instantly knew these two were losers.

"Are you sure? Are they ready to do my type of training?" Taka asked, and Kion thought about it. Takas training is really tough, even he wanted to quit sometimes.

Kion turned to his friends and warned them:

"Look guys, if you choose to train here, he's not gonna go easy on you." Kion said and Karter and Kody didn't want to believe that but the look in Kions eyes meant he was dead serious. Both boys gave it a second thought but then looked at Taka.

"Yes, senpai!" Both Karter and Kody agreed and Taka just smiled. Maybe there were some other brave animals out here too.

Pride Rock

Nala was inside Pride Rock, she was still thinking about what Kion said a couple days ago. The anger he had was honestly...frightening. She never knew Kion held that much anger and the way he threatened her just, made her fear him a little bit. Every single one of those words, it sounded like Kion meant them with all truth.

Nala looked to her left and saw out of the entrance, Simba was watching over the Pride Lands and it looked like something was on his mind. A couple days ago, Simba seemed to be deep more into thought and Nala wondered if it could be Karah.

Nala slowly walked up to him and spoke out.

"Is...everything alright, honey?" Nala asked, Simba snapped out of his gaze and looked at his wife.

"Yeah, just...thinking." Simba replied.

"Is this about Karah And Kyron again?" Nala sighed and Simba nodded his head, no. Not that is something that surprised Nala a little bit.

"Well then...what is it?" Nala asked and Simba seemed hesitant to answer her at first but sighed and turned to look at her.

"A couple days ago, remember when I went on that hunt with you and then Zazu said some animals needed my help and I followed him?" Simba asked, Nala nodded, remembering that scene but what does that have to do with him acting weird?

"Well, I stopped to get some breathers and I look and...there was this sign written in black paint." Simba said and Nala raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"It was a sign for Cobra Kai." Simba stated and Nala widened her eyes. She remembered Cobra Kai and watched how Simba defeated the greatest fighter during that time, Taka.

"You sure? I thought Cobra Kai died out." Nala asked.

"I thought it did too...but I was wrong. Cobra Kai is back and...I don't even know what to do. You remember what they did." Simba pointed out and Nala nodded in agreement.

"So...who you do think is the leader?" Nala asked and Simba thought for a moment before his eyes widening.

"I'll be right back!" Simba said and ran off, leaving a confused and surprised Nala.

With Taka

Taka decided to let Kion and his friends go early. It was dark and they needed energy because he's gonna prepare them some special training the next couple days. He was looking off on his painted list of students and wrote two other names but then he heard footsteps behind them.

"Welcome to Cobra Kai-" Taka said as he turned around and stopped mid sentence to see who came.

It was Simba. He was just standing there, looking at Taka with a bit of a frown but also a surprised look. He looked around Takas dojo and saw the original ways of Cobra Kai. Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy.

Simba then looked away from the writing to Taka.

"Some things never change."

"Yeah, what're you talking about?" Taka asked, keeping his voice normal.

"I saw the sign out front. I just don't get why'd you ever wanna bring back, Cobra Kai." Simba said, he was still in disbelief that it was actually back.

Before Taka can talk, someone walked in behind him.

"Hey! Senpai, sorry but I forgot something and I-" Simba looked behind Taka in wide eyes as he saw his son, Kion. Did he just call him...SENPAI? Kion was also staring at Simba with wide eyes.

"Kion? W-What're you doing here!?" Simba asked in confusion but also a little anger. Kion just switched from shocked to a glare.

"Why do you care?" Kion hissed. Simba was even more shocked...did his son...JOIN Cobra Kai!? Simba then looked at Taka with a suspicious glare. Taka just glared at him back.

"Somebody had to be there for him when nobody else did." Taka stated, Simba took a few steps back...what Taka just said shocked him. He then looked at Kion who was also glaring at him. Simba couldn't take it and just left.

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