Meeting A New Friend

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     Simba walked back to Pride Rock with a lot of questions running through his head. The main one was, why was Kion in Cobra Kai? It didn't make sense to him at all. 

"Simba?" Simba looked up to see Nala looking at with a concerned confusion face. Simba knew if he told the truth, Nala would probably freak out.

"What's wrong?" She then asked, she noticed the scared look on her husbands face.

"I just visited Cobra Kai and...yeah, Taka is the 'Senpai' of it." Simba sighed and Nala was surprised that Simbas uncle was the leader of Cobra Kai.

"Why would he ever want to bring back Cobra Kai?" Nala asked, Simba didn't know how to respond.

"I have no idea, but we have a bigger problem." Simba said and Nala looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Kion joined."

Those two words slowly made Nalas eyes widen. Her son!? HER son was in Cobra Kai?! Why!? Nala had a million questions in her head. Why would Kion ever want to join...wait...

Nala remembered what happened a couple nights ago. She remembered how Kion acted towards her.


"Grandpa Taka had helped me in so many ways! More than you ever have! All you did is ignore me or bully me when I didn't do anything wrong! So don't you dare talk about him that way or I'll rip you apart!" Kion screamed, Nala widened her eyes. She saw the rage in Kions eyes and it looked like he would actually follow up on his word.

Flashback ends

Nala then started to think of some scary thoughts. Did joining Cobra Kai, changed her son into acting that way? But then, Nala remembered how she ignored Kion a lot, in fact, their entire family has. All of that pain that she put her son through...caused him to join Cobra Kai?


Simbas voice broke out of her thoughts to her looking at her mate who has a concerned look.

"Are you okay? You're crying." Simba stated and it was true, Nala shredded a few tears before she broke down.

With Taka

Taka watched Kion punching the living CRAP out of that scarecrow, ever since that interaction with Simba, Kion just seemed...fired up? Or angry.

Taka saw the look on Kions face, it seems like he really wanted to punch something and he was...but it seemed it wasn't good enough for him.

"Hey, Senpai!" Two voices called and both lions turned and smiled to see Karter and Kody there.

"Alright, let's get training." Taka said and all three lion cubs smiled and lined up side to side.

"Fighting positions!" Taka ordered and all three took their positions. Simba didn't train the other two that much but he did teach them a fighting position they would use for training eveyday.

"Jab Punch...! IGHT!" Taka called out and all three lions punched into the air.

"IGHT!" They punched again.

"IGHT!" Again

"IGHT!" Again

"IGHT!" Again

Few hours later

Taka decided to let all three of them go since the sun was setting. All three of the cubs high fived each other and walked separate ways.

Kion hesitated to go back home, he was still mad at his mom and sisters, but most importantly, his father now knows he's in Cobra kai, and he definitely will tell the others. They're just gonna lecture him about how Cobra Kai was evil back in the day and Taka is not a good influence and Kion just doesn't want to deal with that right now. 

Kion won't care if they talk down on him, but if they talk down on Taka, he's going to argue back...Kion just shook his head. He was surprised by himself. Lately he has been thinking weird thoughts, it wasn't like him. He couldn't tell if that was a good or a bad thing. Kion just decided to shake it off for now.

But that's when Kion got knocked down onto the ground.

"Ugh!" Kion groaned out in pain, but noticed that someone else groaned in a little pain too. Kion opened his eyes to see a black lioness cub with gray highlights and emo hair covering a bit of her eye with pink and light blue lines stripped to the hair.

"Sorry, about that." The girl embarrassingly apologized. 

"Nah, I should've payed more attention, my fault on that one." Kion giggled, to be honest, he thought the girl as kind of cute.

The girl looked up and saw Kion with the sun shining behind his head, he had a grin on his face and she had to admit, she blushed a little bit.

Kion helped the girl up.

"The names, Kion." Kion introduced himself. The girls eyes widened.

"Wait, you're the brother of Kiara, right?" She asked and Kion winced at the name of his sister but nodded yes. Though, the girl didn't miss the reaction he showed to the mention of his sisters name. But none-the-less, she introduced herself.

"I'm Luna, nice to meet ya." Luna grinned, Kion grinned back and then asked.

"You know Kiara?" Kion asked.

"Yeah! I know her cause my oldest sister is best friends with your older sisters...Karah was it? Yeah, I think it was." Luna wondered to herself and this caught his attention.

"Who's your older sister?" Kion asked.

"Jeuri." Luna blankly said, Kion wanted to be surprised but he definitely saw the similarities between them. But with the way this girl is acting, she doesn't seem like a jerk to him like the others are.

"Well, maybe I'll see you around?" Kion asked, he actually wanted to see this girl again and Luna thought for a second before she smiled and nodded her head in agreement. Both said their goodbyes and went opposite directions of each.

Well, Kion walked back home with a smile on his face, he made another friend. Kion just couldn't help himself but wanting to scream out to the world, letting them know who he is. Kion just felt like he stood on top of the world.

Luna walked back, surprised to see her best friends brother. She remembered how she heard his sisters talk about him and all of the negative stuff they say, but in Lunas eyes. He seems like a really cool guy. She was really hoping on seeing him again.

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