Change Of Heart

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     Kion got back home and quickly went into the lair under Pride Rock where he and his sisters slept. Kion wanted to wash up his jacket that Taka gave him since it was a little dirty, but when he got there, he saw some food on his side of where he slept. He got a little confused as he saw the other sides where his sisters slept and they had foods too. Kion walked up and there was black paint next to the food.

                                                                      I'm Sorry - Mom

Kion was a little angry at her mom now, she thinks by just saying sorry will fix anything? Well she's wrong.

"What're YOU doing here?" Kion turned around to see one of the youngest siblings, Kura. Standing there, it seems she was home now too.

"Hey, little sis." Kion said, he used to call the youngest two squirts and they hated it, so he just decided to call them little sis. Kion decided to be nice and not call her something else, cause he was having way too good of a day to let it be ruined.

"Don't call me that! You're not my brother! I would never be related to a weakling like you!" Kura mimicked her older sisters. Kion sighed inside, so he just finished drying up his jacket after washing it and placed it back on and decided to head out for the night.

"Yeah." Kion said softly and walked up out of the lair and for some reason, Kura followed him. Surprisingly, she had a slight concern on her face. Usually, her brother would just argue back instead of agreeing with it.

"You know, you made mom cry before. How could you say those harsh things? You really are a jerk after all!" Kura said, Kion only responded with an "uh-huh". Kura frowned.

"That's the reason you have no friends at all! You're just a loner and a loser! No wonder Mom and Dad ignored you. You're too useless and hopeless, they didn't want to be lumped in with you!" Kura laughed


"Even the rest of the animals don't like you! You're just a freak and lame! Even Mom and Dad said they hated you!" Kura lied, trying to get under Kions skin. But then, Kura was disappointed by Kions lack of response.

"Really? Sounds like something they'd say." Kion murmured to himself and walked off, Kura just followed him.

Kion arrived at Rocky Palace. A place in the Pride Lands that earned it's name by having so much boulders and rocks there. It was actually beautiful with the water under it and jungle trees surrounding the area. He knew Kura was following him and he can't let her find out he joined Cobra Kai. The entire family knows and is against Cobra Kai and if his sisters found out he joined them. They're going to hate him even more.

Kion sighed and turned to Kura.

"Why are you following me?" Kion asked, slight annoyance in his voice.

"To see what a loner like you is doing." She argued back and Kion sighed again. Kions ears twitched then, he quickly ran up to his sister and got in a guard position. Kura was shocked and confused before she looked ahead and saw bushes moving. The bushes stopped rustling, Kion wanted to die when he saw Kyron step out and his friends behind him.

"Oh check it out! It's the kid you beat the crap out of!" One of Kyrons friends stated and Kyron just smirked at Kion while Kion responded with a glare. Kura was confused, Kyron beat up Kion. For some reason, she felt a little bit sad.

"There you are!" Kion and Kura turned to see the rest of their sibling and Jeuri and her friends, including Luna walking up to them. Kion saw that Karah was angry and felt like he was in trouble, but he was surprised when Karah walked past and slightly pushed Kyron.

"I heard what you said about me back at the water hole." Karah stated. Kion was confused, did Kyron talk about what he said back at the party at the watering hole and Karah found out?

"What're you talking about? It was just a joke, get over it." Kyron said and Karah just shoved him back, making his friends pick him up. This caught some other animals attentions. Even Kody and Karter were there too.

"Hey everyone," Kyron began. "you guys know that Karah here would not be good for a mate? Cause her, physically bouncing up and down on below would not be a good first time!" Kyron said, and everyone started to "oooooooooh", like someone just roasted with a great insult. Karah was a bit humiliated and her other sisters, even Jeuri were angry. But before any of them could react, Kion spoke up.

"Hey Kyron!" Kion said, walking up to him and Kyron just looked at him with a slight glare.

"Why don't you do the kings of the dead a favor and shut up and quit being a jerk to her." Kion defend Karah, which threw her off guard. Karah was staring at her little brothers back, surprised by his actions.

"You want another beat-down, loser?" Kyron threatened and shoved Kion. This made some other animals back away. But for some reason, Kions sisters looked at Kion with some concern. Not fake but REAL concern.

"I'm ready for your lame karate, this time!" Kyron shoved again, causing him to get caught by his sisters and helping him up a little.

"It's not lame karate..." Kion began and Kyron through a punch but Kion quickly repelled the punch and placed his right leg up paw to his left shoulder and said something that made all the animals shiver, but it froze his sisters into place.

"It's, Cobra Kai." Kion smirked and punched Kyron square in the nose, making him bleed a little. Kyron got furious and tackled Kion to the ground, throwing slaps and punches.

"Kion!" His sisters cried out, now they were really worried. Kyron used his teeth to bite on Kions leg and drag him around. Quickly, Kyron trapped Kion in a headlock. Kion panicked for a second before he remembered his training.

Kion quickly elbowed Kyron in the gut, slithered, twisted his arm and used his left paw to punch him in the face and roundhouse kick him into a rock, making him fall to the ground.

"No mercy!!" Both, Karter and Kody cheered. All of his sisters, even Jeuri and especially Luna were surprised.

Kion held up both of his paws in a fighting position. Kion then felt a presence behind him and ducked as he swept up one of Kyrons friends for trying to punch him from behind.

Another one of Kyrons friends tackled from behind, but Kion used his back leg to kick him in the family Jules and reacted towards another friend that was about to attack, which he delivered with a kick to the stomach and Kion reverted his attention back to the guys he kicked in the private area and roundhouse kicked him in the face.

Kion quickly looked back at his sisters and ran up towards them. Quickly facing back to the bullies who were getting up and charging at him again. Kion quickly kicked one of Kyrons friends in the stomach and another punch to Kyron, sending him to the ground. Another friend from Kions left side tried to attack him, but blocked and another tried to attack from the right but Kion used his back legs to sweep himself off the ground and kick him twice to the face, knocking him down.

Kion then elbowed the guy he blocked to the stomach and punched the back of his head, knocking down to the ground. Kion looked at Kyron who was getting back and up and ran and climbed on top of a rock with Kyron chasing him, trying to attack but Kion was able to kick him in the face and drop down and punch him in the gut, knocking him down to the ground.

The fight was over and Kions sisters were surprised, they looked at Kion in shock because of the actions he pulled off.

The rest of the animals looked at Kion in shock but then began clapping and cheering.

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