Reunion Party Plans

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     The royal sisters looked at their brother with wide eyes. Even the youngest ones slowly hid behind the middle aged daughters. They're starting to get a little afraid of Kion and those words he said sent shivers down their spines.

Karah was mostly surprised, and to be honest, she felt a little scared. 

All of the sisters had one question in their mind. What happened to their brother? He definitely wasn't the same anymore.

Kion just glared at them before sighing and decided to walk back to Pride Rock. His other sisters followed.

Karah then remembered something. Kion said something about Cobra Kai during his fight with Kyron. She had to ask.

"Kion...?" Karah quietly asked, she heard Kion quietly groan, now he was more annoyed. Karah then shut her mouth fast, not wanting to upset him even more. Then Karah got surprised by herself.

Usually, if Kion groan out, Karah would just yell at him more. What happened? Why did she decide to keep quiet this time?

"What?" Kion responded, still having an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Back with the fight with Kyron."  Lily continued Karahs question.

"You said something about, Cobra Kai?" Komu continued.

Kion widened his eyes a little bit, but he can't deny that he did say that.

"And we heard something about Cobra Kai returning. Are you-?" Kiara trailed off for Kuru to finish.

"In Cobra Kai?" She innocently asked. Kura and Kuya kept quiet a little, bit, they are mostly the quietest and shy members of the family, but sometimes, they can become energized at times it surprised them. But with Kion, they change their attitudes, but they're also shy sometimes around Kion. But this time, they were completely shy.

Kion stared at his sisters with no emotion, making them a bit nervous, like that question was gonna be their last.

"It's none of you're business. From now on, focus on your own lives." Kion said as he turned his head back to the path. His sisters were disappointed that they couldn't get an answer but they were mostly hurt by Kion telling them to stay out of his life.

For some reason, all of them wanted to become more involved.

The sun set and the royal cubs returned to Pride Rock.

"Welcome home everyone!" Nala greeted and nuzzled her cubs, all except Kion who glared at her which meant to back off. Nala sweated and sad at the same time. Kion was still upset about their argument back a few days ago.

Simba, who was behind, watched the interaction and he frowned. Usually, Kion would never act this way. 

Ugh, it must be Cobra Kai. If he just didn't run into Taka, then he wouldn't be acting like this Simba thought. He believed if Kion never ran into Taka, he wouldn't have joined Cobra Kai and they could've become a family again.

"How was your day?" Nala asked.

"It was good." All sister said at the same time, Kion just said 'okay' and it ended off there.

"It's good to hear that. Anyways, kids, we've got some news." Simba said with a smile as he walked up to his cubs.

"What's up, dad?" Kura asked.

"A few friends are coming to visit here tomorrow, it's been some time since we've talked, and it'll be nice to reunite and throw a party." Simba said with a grin.

"Really!?" Simbas daughters asked with stars in their eyes. They LOVED parties, but not only that, they might see some other cubs and make some new and see some old friends.

Simba laughed and nodded, he watched them cheer, and then his eyes revered to Kion, who stood silent. Simba then felt a little bad, leaving his son out. These recent events made Simba realize he needed to include his son more into family business.

"You're gonna be there, right son?" Simba asked, hoping him to say yes.

Kion looked at his father with a surprised face. His family never invited him to anything before, no parties or hang outs. He watched everyone's face look at him, making him feel nervous. Kion then remembered he has training to do tomorrow.

"Sorry, I can't." Kion replied, now all of his family members were shocked. They would've thought he would've cheered and happily agreed, the amount of times they rejected his invitations, now he rejected theirs.

Kions sisters looked at him with a more of a sad face. Nala looked at him with a worried look, when she learned what her son was doing, she feared if he was going to that place. While Simba looked shocked, he started to get irritated and decided now was the time to confront Kion.

"Why? So you can train at Cobra Kai?" Simba asked, making his sisters looked at their father with wide eyes. Their dad knows about this?

Kion just stood silent, surprised a little that Simba confronted him in front of their family.

"Kion, why would you ever want to join them? You know what they did to your father." Nala asked, she wondered why Kion would want to join the enemies who bullied her husband back when they were cubs.

"Wait, so you did join?"  Lily asked. Kion did not spare them a glance.

"Yeah, I did. And I have some training to do tomorrow, so I can't come." Kion stated but Simba was gonna have none of this.

"Young cub, from this point on, you are going to quit Cobra Kai and you will never return there again." Simba ordered.

Kion looked at him with wide eyes. But then it turned into a cold, hard glare. Nala and the royal sisters took a couple steps back, feeling the tension between the two.

"Not happening." Kion said, and Simba gave him the look.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, not happening." Kion repeated himself.

"Kion, I'm not gonna say this again. You. Will. Never. Return. There. Again. As you're dad, you will do as I say." Simba harshly said. Then, Kion did something that surprised everyone. 

"SINCE WHEN DID YOU EVER CARE!?" Kion shouted, making everyone step back, even Simba who looked at him with surprise.

"All of those years, you ignored me! You never payed any attention to me and when something good happens, you try to destroy it! You have no right to call yourself a father of me!" Kion yelled but continued.

"If you ever try to hurt, Senpai, one of my friends or try to hurt Cobra Kai. I will do everything in my power to hurt you back! SO STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!" Kion screamed and left Pride Rock.

Leaving everyone speechless.

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