77: Connecting The Dots

Start from the beginning

"Fourteen, twenty, twenty-two," I continue listing off as I slowly regain control of my breathing.

"That's it." Both of them mutter simultaneously as my breathing evens out and the tightness in my chest gradually loosens up.

"You think you can open your eyes?" Liam asks making me vigorously shake my negatively, scared that if I do, the tightness in my chest will return.

"Okay, no problem. Take your time," he assures as both of them show no signs of leaving my side—which I'm thankful for.

"She alright?" A new voice asks as the sound of the door being opened and shut reaches my ears.

"Seb?" I question, prying my eyes open ever so slightly to identify the owner of the voice.

"Hey, sweetheart." His smiling face comes into view. "How do you feel?" He enquires standing at the foot of my bed.

"Tired and thirsty," I reply in a hoarse tone, making the rest chuckle lightly.

"Here," Noah says guiding the tip of the straw that's immersed in a cup to my mouth.

Taking small sips of the cool water help to soothe the itch in my throat. Once I've finished the contents of the glass, I release the straw from my mouth and move my head away.

"Thanks," I mumble softly to Noah, before shifting my attention back towards Seb and Liam.

"How did I get here?" I question as my brows frown in confusion while the rest share a look amongst themselves. "What?" I ask yet again when they keep exchanging glances instead of answering my question.

"Someone had poisoned you," Liam replies briefly causing my mind to go back to the last memory I have before losing consciences.

"How? I didn't eat anything at the party, nor did I let my drink out of my side once Alessandro gave it to me...Oh my gosh! Alessandro and Jack...they were fighting, how are they...wait where are they?!"

With my eyes widened in realization I search the very over-decorated room for Alessandro and Jack. "It looks like a unicorn threw up in here," I point out when I see no signs of either of them.

"I know right," Liam grumbles beside me.

"Although it was sweet of whoever did this," I add as an afterthought, not wanting to hurt the feelings of whoever took the trouble of doing this.

"Jack and the twins were sent back home to fix things there," Seb informs me making me nod in understanding.

"What about Alessandro?" I enquire further in worry.

"He had to leave for some work," Noah replies after a few fleeting moments of silence. "And we will talk about you hanging out with Alessandro once we get you back home missy," he adds as an afterthought.

"What is there to talk about?" I wonder aloud. "And when can I go home," I add sinking further into Liam who I'm leaning against.

"You'll be discharged in a few days, and there is a lot to talk about when you get home. But for now, you need to rest," Noah concludes, still not giving me a straight answer.

I just don't see why this would be a big deal. Sure, I was hanging out with Alessandro, but that was just hanging out. 'But I do kinda wish it was more than just hanging out' I mentally sigh at this thought.

"Hold on, did you just say a few days?" I repeat with wide eyes. "No...no, I can't stay here for that long. I need to go home...or anywhere else it doesn't matter as long as it's not a hospital of any sort," I rumble off in panic.

"Calm down, just breath," Seb instructs taking note of the panic in my tone. "We need to keep you for observation, but one of us will be there with you at all times," he tries to console me.

"I don't care! I just want to go home!" I snap without thinking. "I'll be fine, it's just some stupid poison I must have ingested by mistake," I try convincing them.

"It wasn't," Noah remarks making me snap my attention fully towards him.

"What do you mean it wasn't?"

"Someone has been slow poisoning you, Astoria," Seb clarifies causing my frown to deepen.

"Who?" I voice my thoughts.

"We have a few leads, but we aren't sure yet," Noah says.

"Do you think that the anonymous texter had anything to do with it?" I wonder out loud, alternating my gaze between the three as I wait for an answer.

"We think so," Noah affirms after a few fleeting moments of silent suspense.

"And does my coach's murder have anything to do with all of this?" I enquire further, mentally connecting the dots.

"Maybe," Liam shrugs, only to wince in pain seconds later.

"You, okay?" I ask, removing my weight off of him and moving to lean against the pillows on the bed instead.

"Yeah," he assures me before I shift my attention back to the rest.

"So, all of this that has happened over the past month is all interconnected? But you all fit into the picture?" I direct my question more towards Noah looking at him expectantly for an answer.

"The same way you do," he replies smoothly.

"The better question is, why you?" Liam adds putting me in deep thought with his question.

"I don't know...it just feels all of this comes back to mum's death and the shootout in school," I mumble in realization.

"Who do you suspect to have slipped me the poison?" I ask going back to the previous topic.

"So far, everyone we have as a viable suspect has checked out," Noah dismisses.

"Can't you give me some names?" I persist.

"I'm afraid, I can't," he declines solemnly.

"How bad are the flashbacks?" Liam questions swiftly changing the topic referring to the cause of my panic attack. I shrug in response unable to put in thoughts in words.

The room door is pushed open all of a sudden releveling a very worried nurse. "Sir, the agent from before is back," she informs in a nervous tone.                

Author's Note: 

Hey guys! 

Hoped you enjoyed this chapter and thanks for reading! 

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