"Bring her back when she is still innocent." She shouts and I roll my eyes.

"Bitch." I mutter under my breath.

We get to the parking area and Kai opens the passenger door for me.

"Thank you." I tell him.

"You're welcome." He winks at me the he gets to the other side.

"So where are we going?"

"I thought maybe we can go and have dinner, just some regular shit." He shrugs.

"Oh okay." I reply and then look out the road.

At least now I know Kai doesn't hate me but I need to get my Devon back.I miss being called ma by him.

"We are here." Kai pulls me out of my thoughts and I look out . We are at some Mexican restaurant and this place is fancy. I swear we aren't dressed like the people I'm seeing through the glass wall.

"This is where we are going?" I ask him just to be sure.

"Yeah." He replies. " you don't like it?"

"No I love it but Kai look at how I'm dressed."

"You look good to me baby girl." He licks his lips and looks me up and down. 'Idiot'

"Nope I am not getting in there." I cross my hands.

"What! But you look good." He insists.

"No I don't."I tell him and I look back at the restaurant. He can't be serious we are going in there.

"Look at me." He holds my chin and turns my face.
"You look good okay? And no one cares if you're dressed for a restaurant, we just gotta eat."

"But I won't be comfortable in there." I pout.

"You're cute." He chuckles and looks down at my lips .

"Can we at least go get something at the drive through?"

"Sure, anything for you." He says but he doesn't shift his gaze from my lips.

He looks back in my eyes and I look at those grey orbs that always analyze me.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers as he moves closer to me with his hand still on my chin.

"Yeah." I whisper back and he takes my lips into a swift soft kiss like he is trying to say something. He kisses me softly and this makes me release a soft moan making him smile into the kiss and he puts his tongue into my mouth making the kiss a bit sloppy. He pulls away and his lips look red and we are both breathing hard.

He pecks me two more times on my lips and then goes back to his original position.

"Let's get you some food." He says and he pulls out of the parking spot.

We get to the drive through and he orders our food including chicken of course.

"I know this place where we can eat." Kai says as he drives off.

"Okay." I reply and I reach for my chicken because I can't wait.

"Mmmmmm man this shit so good." I tell Kai with a mouth full. He doesn't reply so I look in his direction and find him looking at me with that intense gaze but with another emotion I can't describe.

"You want to get us into an accident." I tell him and look back to the chicken.

He doesn't reply again so I continue to eat. We get to an area which look deserted and further away I can tell it's a ....it's a beach, we are at a  beach at night may I add.

In This Together Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon