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Lasting lasting his name called out it all begun with a cute little pout.

I was so excited to be in Melaka to spend time with my family, to drink the nights away and to forget about reality for a short while. I knew I needed a break, after all 2020 was not an easy year for anyone. That was all I was looking forward to. I arrived a few days before Christmas, I was out looking for tattoos artists after dropping my bags at the hotel, I decided to get one since 2020 would be the fourth year celebrating Christmas in Melaka. Good start to my short vacation. On the 24th of December, my phone received a notification while I was having ice cream, I had a follow request on Instagram from this very cute guy.

We texted for a whole day, talking about ourselves and what not, he was from Melaka, ah yes an Eurasian boy. We kept texting for the whole day. I did not want to think much about it because I knew it was not going to head anywhere with him. It was way too early for that. He seemed like he had everything already.

So why bother trying Carol?

On the 25th which was Christmas, around 1am I received a text from him, he wanted to see me and he said that he would like to get to know me better, he was coming to pick me up from the hotel. He was tipsy, it was easy to hear it from his voice. I refused to meet up because I was assuming it would be a waste of time and he might be hoping to get lucky since he was tipsy. After all it was Christmas night, everyone was drinking the night away. He was so persistent, he kept calling and texting, he agreed to just sit at the hotel lobby instead of going anywhere.

I agreed to it finally after an hour of talking about it. He came over to the lobby around 2am. Boy, did he smell so good, he had that mixture of whiskey and his strong perfume all intertwined. I loved it. He wore a silky kind of batik shirt and shorts, he was so tall and he wore a huge wrist watch. He sat down next to me on the sofa and he put his hand around my shoulder. We sat there for almost an hour just talking, at times I had my hands touching his chest, it was clear that he worked out, his chest was hard as a rock. I heard how he enjoyed working and found it tiring, he had many plans in his career line, I loved hearing about it. Guys with ambitions are immaculate. He wanted to go for a walk in the hotel and when he stood up, I realized just how tall he was, he wrapped his arms around me from behind, my head was at his chest level. We talked as we walked slowly. That took us quite some time. I liked what we were doing. I liked how simple it was, just me and a dude walking and talking. It was windy and he would ask if I was tired. At one point, he just stopped and looked at me, he asked "Can I just kiss you Carol? "

Well I smiled, it was kind of cute, he leaned forward and we did. When I pulled away he pulled me back into for another.

We continued walking and talking until it was almost 4am. In between the walks, we kissed and we kept our hands intertwined. Although I hate to admit that this was exactly what I want, just to hold hands and it felt so peaceful. I walked him to his car, it did not feel as if we were saying goodbye for good but it sort of felt that way too. After all, my luck with guys was nothing to be surprised about. I smiled as I waved at him and I walked into my room. As I laid down I received a text saying "I am home" I can't remember anything after that text. I have not heard from him ever since either. We do have mutual friends and I do see him on my Instagram stories at times. I never texted or called him, somehow I felt it would not go anywhere and I was right.

Funny thing is, I remember every detail about him but I wonder if I crossed his mind, even once ever since we met.

Heartless Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora