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Kazuma: I am from Japan. But I stayed home all day, every day, living a life of self-indulgence.

He say, truthfully as Sena glances over at the bell to see it not making any noise, which means he was telling the truth.

Sena: well, wasn't that easy? But I'd like to ask you, why pretend to be a student?

Sena asks as she was still boggled at why this boy was lying about him being a student. Kazuma then replies in a defeated tone.

Kazuma: well, I wasn't really pretending.... oh, never mind.

A tear falls from his eye as he finished his statement. Y/n then comforts his friend as he pats his back.

Y/n: there, there. We're both disappointments to society.

He says as he also sheds a tear at the depressing reality. Suddenly, Sena then asks another question which got the boys out of their depressed states.

Sena: well, with your backgrounds out of the way.... lets move on to another question. So, what's your motive for becoming an adventurer?

Both boys thought about their answers before Kazuma took the lead and gave his.

Kazuma: well, to save people who were being oppressed by the Devil King-

the bell goes off again. Y/n nervously chuckled before trying to save the situation.

Y/n: what my friend means to say here, is that we became adventurers because we felt it was our moral obligation to become so-

And once more, the bell rung. Sena raises her eyebrow as she looked at both boys as they both sat in silence at their failed attempt at hiding their true intentions.

Kazuma: I thought being an adventurer seemed cool, and a fun way to make a lot of money, and a great way for pretty girls to fall for me.

He says as the person behind them wrote on their paper more vigorously.

Y/n: well, m-mine is the same....... except for the money making part...

He says as the guy behind them wrote even more vigorously.

Sena: o-okay.... well, onto the next question.

She says as the rooms vibe became more... pathetic, as all of their bravado had diminished to a tiny spec of an atom, before getting incinerated by a flamethrower with the power of a whole sun.

Sena: the question now is, do both of you have a grudge against the lord?

She asks them.

Y/n: well, to be perfectly honest with you, miss Sena... I think Gods had a grudge on him since the teleportation used on the coronatite was solely based on luck.

Y/n says as no ringing was heard after.

Sena: I see. so that confirms your claims that it wasn't your fault that the coronatite landed on the lords mansion. But that only answers that. What about your personal grudges against the lord?

She says.

Kazuma: um... could you please elaborate?

Kazuma asked of her as she does so.

Sena: well, from what my sources say. Once you're team got into debt, you've complained about him regularly.

Both boys recollect all of their ramblings of how they hate being in debt and if they could see the one who did that to them, they would do unspeakable things to him.

Kazuma: well, the reward for the Dullahan hunt took care of the debts I owned for the town's repairs. Even if we were trying to protect it, destroying the town in the process makes it a moot point. I understand that.

a WEEB goes adventuring: a Konosuba x Malereader story S2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum