Lies of Omission

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"No," I whispered hoarsely, my voice sounding strange to my own ears. "It can't be. It isn't true!" Brom only gazed at me sadly, hanging his head.

"I'm sorry, Tabatha. But it is true. Galbatorix used your mother to exploit her powers, in order to get to you. He knew that the blood of a Rider mixed with that of your mother's would produce a child with not only a witch's power, but also that of a Rider." I could feel hot, salty tears rolling down my cheeks. They felt as though they were burning tracks into my skin. "That is why you heal so quickly; because of your mother. You converse so easily with Saphira because of your father. And that is why he has been hunting for you. I suppose he never thought you'd be hiding right where he'd found your mother; right under his nose."

"So he just wants to use me? Like he did my mother!" I spat angrily, feeling a mounting pressure at the base of my skull.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. And that is why it is of the utmost importance that you remain hidden from the soldiers," Brom said. "If they were to find you and take you to Galbatorix... I don't want to think about what would happen, or what he would do. Your father is an evil man, Tabatha, and I don't say that lightly. I have known very few men in my time that are truly wicked, but he is one of them. But do not, for one moment, think that makes you anything like him. Your mother was good and kind, and she sacrificed herself to save you. A child brought up with such love could never turn out to be like that monster."

I couldn't find any words to say, the tears just kept flowing, and I jumped up suddenly, thoughts whirling around in my head wildly. Without a word, I turned and left Brom sitting there by the fire.

This can't be! The most evil man in the world is my father! I didn't want to believe it; with every fiber of my being I wanted to believe that it wasn't true. But I knew that it was. Deep down in my heart, I knew that Brom had spoken the truth. I fell to my knees in the clearing where I had stopped, sobbing uncontrollably into my hands. The pressure at the back of my head was growing stronger, beginning to throb with a dull pain.

Hold on a moment... If Galbatorix is my father, and he's the king, then that would make me... a princess! What more can I have thrust upon me in one day! It was strange to think of myself as royalty when all I'd ever known was my simple life in Carvahall. It was actually quite humorous. Princesses were supposed to be beautiful and delicate and clean, and I was a rough-and-tumble tomboy always getting dirt and scrapes and bruises all over me. I liked to wear pants, and pick fights, and play in the mud. How could I ever be a princess? And to think that Brom had known this entire time... He must have found that quite ironic. But what of Eragon? How am I ever supposed to face him now?

If he knew that his sworn enemy was my father, what would he think? Would he remain my friend? Or will he hate me for the rest of my miserable life? I'm not like him though! I could never be like that monster of a man... The best thing to do would be to keep it from him. But Saphira knows...

'Saphira?' I called out with my mind, searching for her.

'I'm here, Tabby,' she replied softly, employing my nickname. Her rich voice was full of sympathy and sadness. 'I am sorry. What I saw of him from my egg, I knew that he was truly vile. A horrid man. But you, Tabatha, are not like him. Don't worry about that...'

'You will keep this from Eragon, won't you?' I asked timidly.

'Of course. It is not my place to say. When you are ready, you must tell him yourself,' she said. I sighed heavily in momentary relief. But that relief was fleeting and disappeared quickly. How was I going to keep this from Eragon? We used to tell each other everything, but now...

'I don't know if I can, Saphira. What if he hates me?'

'He will not hate you,' she assured me. 'I will make sure of it. Eragon will understand.'

The Truth About Lies (An Inheritance Cycle Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora