Secrets Revealed and Truths Shattered

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"You know, I can relate to you now. And you're right, Saphira. You're absolutely right...This is terrible...completely terrible..." I'm not really sure why I was talking out loud; Saphira could hear my thoughts, for goodness sake! But I wanted to feel like I was getting some kind of human interaction, even though I was fully aware that she was a dragon. I'd only been up on this cliff with Saphira for one day, but it was already starting to get to me.

'That it is,' she replied. 'Now you know why I was so angry with Eragon when he wouldn't ride me and I could never be around civilization. I just felt so...alone.'

'So do I,' I said, returning to speaking with my mind. At first, the feeling of her consciousness in my mind was strange, like someone was putting pressure on my head, but I was getting used to it slowly. 'Even in Carvahall, I just felt out of place. I lived there for so long, but now, looking back, it never really felt like home to me.'

'So where is your home?' Saphira asked, swinging her massive head around to stare at me with one great, sapphire eye.

I laughed bitterly and threw a stick that was close to me over the edge of the cliff where we were perched, looking down on the port city. 'I wish I knew,' I said. 'Maybe if I knew who my mother and father were, then I would know where to call home.'

'You don't know who your parents were?' Saphira asked, a tinge of sadness in her voice.

'No,' I replied sadly. 'My aunt and uncle never spoke of them. I think it pained Uncle Horst too much to speak of his sister and brother-in-law. But, Aunt Elain did tell me once that my mother was very beautiful. She always says that I look more and more like her every day. I don't even know their names...'

'I don't know who my parents were either,' Saphira said, undoubtedly trying to cheer me up, 'but I suppose that it is different for humans than it is for dragons. Humans must be nurtured by their parents until they reach adulthood, but a dragon hatchling can survive only on instinct if it has to.'

'Thanks, Saphira,' I said bitterly.

'I was only trying to help,' she said, her voice injured. I didn't want to make her feel bad, but she wasn't exactly helping my predicament. 'I'm sorry.'

'Don't apologize,' I said. 'It's fine.' I withdrew contact from her mind; I didn't feel like talking anymore.

Instead, I hurled myself into my favored pastime of imagining what my parents were like and who they were. My father was always handsome and strong. He could do anything. He was mighty and brave, but there was a gentler side to him, and he could be caring. He would play with me as a child and teach me to read, the way that Brom had. He'd show me how to fight with a sword or with a dagger, or to shoot a bow. And he was always there to hold me when I cried.

My mother, however, was beautiful and fierce, like the mountains that surrounded our home. She was independent and strong willed: a fighter, a warrior, but also kind and fair-minded. She always followed her heart, no matter what those around her had to say about it. I liked to imagine her like me in a lot of ways, but also different in the fact that she was grounded. She knew who she was, and she wasn't afraid to show it. I also liked to think that I got some of my sarcasm and wit from her too, but that was just a secret desire.

Oh, how I wished I knew them! If they were still alive, I'm sure they could tell me what's going on with me. I knew that Brom knew what it was, but he just refused to tell me. But, the next time I got him alone, I would force him to tell me. If I was in danger-and I knew that I was-then I had a right to know! I just want to know the truth. Or maybe I don't...Ugh! I don't know what I want anymore! I just wish none of this had ever happened!I wish that I'd never met Eragon or Brom! I wish the soldiers had never come! I wish there was no such thing as the damned Ra'zac! I just want things back to the way they used to be!

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