Sakusa had gone through his usual after-school routine, showering, getting changed, and cleaning up before he had gotten on call with Atsumu. They decided it'd be a daily thing around four in the afternoon, as the two were both usually free then.

"I miss ya already Omi," The blonde sighed softly. "Why couldn't ya stay again?"

"There's still a month of school left, I can't stay yet." Sakusa held in a small chuckle as he watched Atsumu let out a huff.

"That's not fair, they should just end the school year early." The blonde rolled his eyes, sounding a little more serious on ending the school year early than he thought he was.

"Summer 'Tsumu, it's a little under a month away," Sakusa sighed softly. "I, miss you too, but we still have to wait."

"Fine.. but 'm only agreein' 'cause waitin' for summer's gonna have two positives." Atsumu let out a huff yet quickly recovered with a bright smile, completely missing the look Sakusa gave him.

"Two positives?" The dark-haired questioned, he knew the first, yet the second would've been a different story.

"Mhm, Suna's thinkin' 'bout throwin' a party once the school year ends to celebrate the start of summer!" It came as no surprise to Sakusa how quickly the mention of a party had Atsumu practically bouncing in his spot, he was definitely the party type.

"And before ya think 'm lettin' ya off easy, it'd be held the day after school ends, so yer invited." The blondes bright smell fell to that of a grin, all while Sakusa only sighed bitterly.

"'Tsumu, no. I'm not going to a party that's guaranteed to have a huge bunch of people." Sakusa stated, seemingly serious, yet not enough to discourage Atsumu.

"I never said it was bein' thrown yet, Suna's still thinkin'. But even if it was — ya wouldn't go with me? Not even for a few hours?" What had just been a grin now fell to that of a pout, Atsumu's first resort to making Sakusa cave in.

"No, that's that." The ravenette rolled his eyes lightly, trying to make it clear he wouldn't budge. "And don't get pouty with me, it won't work."

Atsumu, to no surprise, completely ignored the others last words and put on a pout, topping the look off with saddened starry eyes. The look always got to Sakusa, and now was no different, which was given away by the sigh that left the ravenette's mouth.

"Only a few hours, and I'm not budging no matter how many pleases you throw my way, got it?"

That was all Atsumu needed to hear to start thanking Sakusa repeatedly, an overjoyed smile on his face as he went on. The repetitive speech almost made Sakusa miss the I love you that slipped out of the faux blondes mouth.

With a soft smile and a playful eye roll, Sakusa directed his attention completely on Atsumu.

"I love you too ' Tsumu," The dark-haired's smile never faltered, instead it grew suspiciously with the pause in between his words. "Even though you act like a child."

Being so distracted by the I love you, it was Atsumu's turn to nearly miss something, hence why his reaction came a solid five seconds after Sakusa spoke.

A playfully dramatic gasp slipped from Atsumu's mouth naturally as the blonde placed a hand over his heart. "Omi! 'M hurt, how dare ya say such a thing!"

The response simply earned a lighthearted laugh from Sakusa as a sweet, genuine smile made it's way onto said ravenette's face, the kind of thing Atsumu loved to see. It wasn't often those genuine laughs or smiles came out, as Sakusa was just now getting used to sharing them and the moments that caused them with another.

His laughter however died down when he noticed the odd silence, or more, Atsumu's odd silence. It took Sakusa a moment to refocus before he realized the blonde on the phone had been looking at him with a special look, like he was something to be treasured, because in the others eyes he was.

Unfortunately however, he didn't get to savour the others look for long as he watched Atsumu look behind him while a faint voice was heard shouting from somewhere farther into the house, a voice Sakusa knew well enough as Osamu's.

After an irritated sigh, Atsumu shouted back a 'I'll be down there in a minute!' and looked back to Sakusa who's face screamed 'what was that about?'.

"'Samu, Suna, an' I gotta pick some things up for dinner, I forgot I agreed t' go." The blonde sighed softly, he didn't want to have to end the call yet.

"It's fine 'Tsumu, remember, you can always call me later."

"Are ya sure, what if yer busy?"

With a soft sigh, Sakusa narrowed his eyes at the blonde on screen and spoke again. "Then I'll put what I'm doing aside, simple as that."

It took a brief moment of hesitation before earning a nod from Atsumu, the blonde in question letting a small sigh slip before looking at Sakusa. "M'kay, if ya say so," He smiled. "I'll call ya later Omi, love ya."

"Love you too 'Tsumu, now get going before your brother beats your ass." Sakusa chuckled lightly as Atsumu simply scoffed in response and rolled his eyes playfully; it may have been true, but the blonde didn't think he needed the call out.

With that and one last wave, Atsumu finally hung up, especially since he heard Osamu making his way upstairs, most likely to drag him downstairs.

That left Sakusa to his lonesome, but the simple thought of being able to call his boyfriend within a few hours time kept him smiling.

Dear lord did he love Atsumu, more than words could ever tell.


remember me swearing to get on a proper upload schedule again? well, i kept to it 😌

now things are gonna start progressing, whether that's a good thing or bad, you guys can decide :)

jkjk, there's just gonna be some friendship/bonding time coming up, because the squads always important, obvs 😌✨


Dull Eyes || SakuAtsuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora