Kisses and Correspondence

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"May I present Your Highness with a kiss?" crooned the postman, grinning at Prince Lovino.

"No!" Feliciano sputtered, "you might be contagious, remember?"

"Aw, come on, Your Majesty," he said, reaching out for his hand, "you know I'm not. All I do is deliver letters!" He planted a kiss on the back of the prince's hand.

"He- He's right, you know," Lovino said, turning scarlet, "you're gonna get all of Roma sick, Antonio. Hopping around kissing people with letters straight from Germania in your hands."

"Anyway~" Romeo interrupted, "thanks for the letters."

"My pleasure," he said with a little salute, "and Your Highness, I promise I'm not kissing anyone else."

"You're supposed to bow, bastard," he muttered, hiding his face behind a stack of mail, "we're not peasants, remember?"

Feliciano tore open his letter from Ludwig, hoping with all his heart that he was well and happy. He read:

Dear Your Royal Majesty King Feliciano of Roma,
I have been well, albeit sad, since my return home. We are still in mourning for my grandfather. I hope that you are happy and that no Romans have gotten the plague. I fear that along with the days of summer, my brother is slipping away too. I am praying that your scientists discover a cure, or at least a treatment, for the plague quickly. I offer my sincere apologies in that Germania does not have the financial strength to help in your experimentation. As the days grow colder, I wish for both your and my people's safety and wellbeing.
The job of temporary king is suiting me well. Although it is difficult to rule a kingdom in the midst of an epidemic and do so adeptly, I enjoy the power and responsibility I hold. It is quite a lot of work, which brings me to wonder how you made time in your day to visit me, make art, make music, and take naps with so many kingly duties to be carried out. I would like to know your secret. I wish you good luck and prosperity in Roma, and I miss you very much.
Prince Ludwig of Germania

The king's eyes clouded up. He missed him with a sort of burning sadness in his heart. Never had he felt this way before, that the only thing that truly mattered was this person's happiness and success. Was this love? It felt so different than the uncontrollable, passionate infatuation he was used to. He sighed and brushed a tear out of his eye.

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