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The slow, powerful organ music seemed to shake Feliciano's every bone. The huge crowd was witnessing him trembling like a leaf as the pastor handed him the royal orb and scepter. His hands seemed barely able to bear their weight. He locked his eyes on a red-tiled roof near the edge of the lake as the crown of Roma was lowered onto his head. The town square exploded with applause as he turned on his heel, a member of his retinue picking up the end of his long cape as he proceeded inside to the throne room. Hundreds of pairs of eyes finally directed elsewhere, he managed to relax his face and breathing rate. Two servants opened the doors to the throne room. Slowly he and the others marched inside. His two brothers, Prince Lovino and Prince Romeo, stood next to the throne. The latter seemed to be struggling to control his energy, as could be observed in the slightest bouncing of his feet and fidgeting hands. The former, on the other hand, stayed stiff as a board, glaring morosely at his younger brother.

"Your Royal Majesty," said a few nobles and kings in unison, simultaneously falling onto one knee. All looked down reverently, save for King Alaric of Germania, who kept his icy, disrespectful gaze on King Feliciano. He was almost as old as the previous monarch of Roma, King Aurelius, had been at his death. He had two grandsons who were both Feliciano's age. He sat down on the throne and managed a weak smile at them.

"What will be your first royal order, Your Royal Majesty?" asked a servant, bowing low in front of him.

He took a deep breath and maintained eye contact. "Call the townspeople into the ballroom for a party. Have the cooks prepare their best dishes, and take the oldest barrels of wine out of the cellar."

His Royal MajestyWhere stories live. Discover now