I turned my attention to the blond career, George I think. “Yo bimbo! Lets dance.” I yelled picking up my axes and gesturing to the arena. Her head snapped over to look at me, I swear I could see the fires of hell burning in her eyes. I had to do a double take.


“What did you just call me?” Her voice ringing out in raw furry. Okay maybe she was a tad smarter than I originally assumed. “You call me princess!” Yeah…. she probably wasn’t.


I pointed my ax at her, “I, Holly Forrester the 1st, challenge you, dumb bimbo, to a duel!” I said playfully in a fake capitol accent, lifting my chin upwards arrogantly.


The female victor clapped her hands walking over to us. “Wonderful! Our first battle, I was worried no one would take the bait. Daryle and I are going to take your choice weapons and put some safety foam over the blades.” She gently took my twin axes from my hands. I sigh, I should have expected this. Safety made everything so boring though….


I trudged over to the area sticking my hands in my pocket casually as George came to walk beside me tucking a blonde curl behind her ear. She smiled blissfully for a second before grabbing my collar and jerking me roughly toward her. “I am going to friggin beat the crap out of you! How dare you think you even stand a chance against me?!” She hissed venomously- then she let go and skipped blissfully away as if she hadn’t just threatened my life.


I shrugged, this made it more interesting. I reached the small ringed in arena throwing my leg over the side pulling myself in. Daryle walked over, pushing through the rapidly forming crowd of tributes and handing me my axes. I ignored him as he moved over to hand George her sword.


“Tributes, I, Cornelia Vestro, will serve as referee. This battle is between Holly Forrester of District 7 verses Georgette Channel of District 1.” The female victor said authoritatively leaning on one of the ropes.


“Oh. I thought her name was George.” I commented without putting much thought into it. “I guess I thought it was a peculiar name for a girl.” Georgette’s eye twitched and I found myself guessing that I wasn’t the first person to make this mistake, though it was safe to assume that I was the only one alive.


“Silence, Holly.” Cornelia snapped, “I want both tributes on opposite sides of the rings, I will do a countdown. The first tribute to hit the ground loses. Get ready.”


I lifted my axes and stared at the beautiful girl across from me. She raised her sword menacingly. I grinned, by the time I was done with her she’d be a troll. In theory anyway. In all honesty I didn’t expect to win, but I was crossing my fingers to mess her up.


“Three…. two… one!” Cornelia cried, her crisp voice echoing in the otherwise silent training room. I charged Georgette swinging my ax at her stomach. She raised her blade with agile ease and our blades clanged loudly. I brought my other ax around, speeding toward her face. She ducked and sent a kick toward my knees.


I stumbled backward barely maintaining my balance. Georgette leapt to her feet and thrust her sword at my scalp, I leaned to the side and I felt air rush past my face as the blade barely missed my head. “Bitch.” I grunted putting my foot behind me and regaining my balance. I shot to my feet swinging at the blonde with a newfound strength. She tried to block but I had one major advantage over her. She only had one blade while I had two.

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