Part 18- To the Beach

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Her stomach dropped, leaving a hollow, sour feeling behind. A dark look passed over Tony's face. Thor grew frustrated, "Njǫror is coming, your city is endanger as we speak. So get off your a-"

"Thor," Loki said. "That's enough. Go round up the others."

Begrudgingly, Thor left to do as he was told.

"Sage," Loki said, walking into the room. "Where is your suit? Are you able to fight?"

Sage nodded and jumped off the table. At first she felt a bit wobbly but she quickly straightened up. Tony kissed her on the forehead and watched her run to get her suit.

They all reconvened on the landing strip she'd arrived on. Sage was the last to show. She walked into the open space and stopped. Everyone turned to look at her, she watched they're faces as they tried to gage her stability. She looked down at her new arc reactor, the blue glow was shining through her suit. A few people gawked at the sight of it. "Are you ready for this?" Tony asked, appearing at her side.

"Absolutely," she said.

"Then," he turned to everyone. "Time to drop your socks and grab your crocs, we're about to get wet on this ride."

Steve rolled his eyes, he hated that phrase.

Everyone that couldn't fly, including Natasha, Clint, T'Challa, Shuri, Scott, Bucky, Steve, Valkyrie, Peter and Bruce all got in the Quin Jet. Those who could fly did so. Dr. Strange created a portal for himself, Sage, Loki and Thor.

The portal opened up to Long Beach, New York. They were the first ones to arrive. There was no sign of Njǫror yet either. When the portal closed, a gust of wind started to come off the water. "He's coming," Thor said.

A wave started to form, it was at least eight feet tall and growing. The sky began to darken, "I thought you were the god of storms." Dr. Strange said to Thor.

Thor stared straight ahead, "Don't be foolish, of course I am. Njǫror controles the winds, he is forcing a the remnants of a storm I created yesterday to this shoreline. His power amplifies the storm."

"If you created it then can't you stop it?" Dr. Strange said.

"I can't, it's under his control now."

"Besides," Loki said. "The storm is scaring the locals from the beach. To them it looks like a freak storm."

"Yeah," Sage said. "It's freaky all right." A man started to appear within the twelve foot wave. "Is that him?" Sage shouted over the rising wind.

"Yup," Loki said. "Good old granddad." 

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