Part 12- Wakandan Friends

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"So," Nat said as they rode the elevator. "You kissed Stark's daughter?"

Peter's ears got hot and he felt the blood rush to his face but he managed to nod.

She smiled and clapped him on the shoulder, "Congrats kid, Stark's gonna kill you."

Peter hid his face with his hands.

"Don't worry kid, he's just as worried about Sage as you are." She rubbed his back.

He finally looked up at her, she knew he was right.

"So, are you two official yet or what?"

Peter groaned and was thankful when the elevator doors opened. Nat laughed and they made their way to the training room. Thankfully the room was empty, even though it was 12:46 p.m. many of the residents would train when they couldn't sleep. "What's stopping you from asking Sage out?" Nat said as she donned a pair of boxing gloves.

"You said it yourself, Mr. Stark would kill me."

Nat tossed him a pair of boxing gloves, "I don't know. It seems like Stark just wants the best for her."

Peter took his stance, "And who says I'm what's best for her?"

Nat swung at him, "I thought you were smarter than that, kid."

He dodged the punch and grabbed her arm, throwing her to the ground. She didn't waste a second and swept his legs out from under him. Then she jumped up and said, "Open your eyes kid, she needs you and so do we."


Sage woke up to see Loki sitting next to her. She tried to sit up but he cautioned her against it.

"Where's my dad?"

Loki leaned forward, "He's talking to everyone about what happened, trying to convince them that you're on our side."

"Of course I am," Sage said.

"Well, there are a few who are concerned with your condition."

"What exactly is my condition?"

Loki pointed at her, "Your father worked all through the night to make you a Vibranium core Arc Reactor. For now, he has reached out to the King of Wakanda in hopes of making you a vibranium suit."

Sage shook away all thoughts of her well being and focused on Loki, "Tell me about Njǫror."

Loki sat back and said, "He is our grandfather, god of the wind and sea. He believes that Thor is responsible for the death of our mother." He crossed his arms, "While you were asleep we received a message from Asgard. Our grandfather is rather unhappy and growing restless. Njǫror has threatened to attack the city if Thor doesn't subject himself to Asgardian justice."

"So what can I do?"

"As of now, nothing. You can not contribute to this fight while unstable."

Sage was about to reply with a snappy remark but Tony entered the room with an attractive, dark skinned man in cool tones robes. Tony ran forward when he saw that she was awake, he hugged her and said, "Oh thank goodness Sage."

He stepped back to look at her and brushed the hair from her face. He sat down beside her bed and held her hand. "King T'Challa, this is my daughter, Sage."

She waved at him and felt the IV shift in her veins.

"Good afternoon Sage. Your father has reached out to me and explained your situation. I have brought my sister, Shuri. We believe that you can survive without an Arc Reactor implant if we divide your molecules one by one, strip them of the Palladium and in its place add Vibranium."

"Why couldn't you replace them all at once?" Sage asked. "And why do you have to replace the Palladium?"

"If we were to do that, you would die." T'Challa said. "The Palladium has permanently changed your cell structure and you would die without it. It must be replaced slowly with Vibranium to maintain the new structure."

She looked over at her father, "What do you think?"

Tony thought for a moment before speaking, "I trust the Wakandans with my life but the choice is yours. I don't want you to have to live with this in your chest." He tapped his Arc Reactor.

Sage looked at Loki and thought about Njǫror. She eyed the king, "I'll do it."

T'Challa nodded, "I will notify my sister."

Tony sat up, "You can set up in my lab."

"And the suit we discussed?" T'Challa said. "Shuri has completed it."

Tidal Wave [Peter Parker]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz