Part 10- Asgardian Threats

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After she left, Loki ran to find his brother. Thor was in the training room with Mjolnir. "Brother," Loki said. "I may have found a solution to our grievance with Njǫror."

"As have I," Thor said, setting his hammer down. "The new girl."

"Sage, Daughter of Stark." Loki said.

Thor looked confused, "Have you met her?"

Loki nodded, "Stark has asked me to train her."

"Dr. Banner says she is unstable."

"No, I have seen what she can do. Stark made her a suit that protects her for the time being. She can control it when she can maintain a level head."

Thor eyed his brother, "She is just a child-"

"Who is more than capable of aiding us."

"Why should we trust her?" Thor said.

Loki stepped forward, "Trust me." Thor grew quiet. "I have seen what she can do, I have spoken with her-"

"You told her about Njǫror?"

"No, don't be ridiculous. I talked to her about what she can do. She is the only one who stands a chance against Njǫror. What use is a hammer against a tidal wave?"


On a whim, Tony searched for a name while waiting for the archive to load. Peter told Tony about the car who rear ended them on the way to the hospital, a grey Impala registered by a Brad Montfrey. The search revealed that he went missing during the battle of New York. He searched for traffic cameras that had caught the grey Impala and ran facial recognition on the driver. One thing was for sure, it wasn't Brad Montfrey.


Thor and Loki went to the lab hoping to find Bruce but found Tony instead. He was eating blueberries and running different programs than neither of the Asgardians understood. "Stark," Thor said as he approached. "We must inform you of an imminent threat."

Tony turned around, "An Asgardian threat?"

"Indeed," the hologram caught Thor's eye. "Where did you get this image?"

Tony sat up, "It's from a street camera in Queens. He crashed a stolen car into my daughter's when she was coming to the hospital. Why?"

Thor clenched his jaw, "This is Njǫror, the threat."

Tony stood up, "What are you telling me?"

"Njǫror is the god of the wind and the sea, to him, your daughter is a threat-"

"My daughter is fifteen!"

"Sage-" Loki said.

Tony interrupted, "No, Reindeer Games, you don't get to talk." He turned back to Thor, "And you, Point Break, I just got my daughter back- I will not risk losing her again. You are both gods, figure it out!"

"We are trying," Loki said.

"What did I tell you, Reindeer Games? Zip it!" Tony said.

"Stark, she understands her powers much more than you realize. This wouldn't be our first choice either." Loki persisted. "But she can do this."

"You don't even know what Njǫror is going to do," Tony said.

"You're right," Thor said. "But-"

"But nothing. She's my daughter."

Everyone turned to look at the door when they heard someone clear their throat. It was Sage. She stood in the doorway with her arms folded, "I came to say goodnight but it seems like I've stumbled into something."

Tony crossed his arms, "Sage, maybe you should go to bed."

"It sounds an awful lot like you're all standing around arguing about me. Maybe I should get a say."

"You wouldn't understand the risks," Thor said.

"Enough," Loki said, surprising everyone. "None of you have witnessed what this child can do when she is in complete control of her powers. She deserves the chance to speak."

Sage approached the group and Tony said, "How long have you been standing there?"

"The entire time and I promise you won't lose me but it sounds like a lot of people are going to lose a lot more if I don't do something."

Tidal Wave [Peter Parker]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن