Part 16- Confronting Thor

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The next day, she woke up late and grabbed a cinnamon roll for breakfast. She ran into Steve in the hall, he was dressed from head to toe in a red white and blue spangled outfit. His shield was resting on his back. "Hey Sage," Steve said as he removed his helmet.

"Captain America," Sage said as she passed him to go back to her room.

"Wait, everyone is already in the training area. They are waiting for you."

"You mean the pool?" She asked.

"Well yeah, I suppose. Grab your suit and meet us down there."

He turned around and left without waiting for an answer. Sage changed into her suit and finished her cinnamon roll on the way to the pool. When she got there, she saw that everyone was there this time. Hawkeye, Captain America, Black Panther, Falcon, War Machine, Dr. Strange, Ant Man and Valkyrie had all joined the fight. She introduced herself to the new recruits as she climbed into the pool. She went to Loki and asked, "Why'd we get more people?"

"Njǫror sent us another message during the night. He has looked upon Midgard and discovered you. He fears your power which is dangerous, he will take any chance he sees to eliminate you. You must be able to defend yourself."

The thought terrified Sage, still, she nodded and went to the deep end of the empty pool. "Alright!" Sage shouted. "Who's first?"

Antman charged forward and shrunk, completely disappearing from view. Sage built a wall of water, trapping Antman inside. He grew and Sage dropped the water wall. "Come on, at least try to make this difficult!" Sage shouted.

Black Panther and Captain America charged forward but she stopped them without much effort. Peter shot a web while she was distracted and attached it to her hand. She froze the synthesized spider web making it shatter. "Mr. Stark, she broke my web shooter," Peter said.

"Have Karen reboot it, the suit has nanobots and can fix it."

Thor ignored their conversation and tried to strike Sage with a bolt of lightning. She used water to conduct the electricity as she returned the favor, knocking the God of Thunder flat on his back. "Enough!" Sage shouted, she couldn't believe she had to say this. With a flick of her hand she banished the water back to the drains. "Thor, I understand you're from a different world but you need to stop. Njǫror is the god of the sea right?"

Thor groaned and Loki answered. "Of course he is, Sage, what's your point?"

"The conductivity of water depends on the concentration of dissolved ions in solution. Sodium Chloride- salt dissociates into ions, which means that seawater is about a million times more conductive than fresh water. If you rush into this fight with Thor, you'll get everyone killed."

Thor sat up, "What are you saying?"

"You need to stay on the shore and leave Mjölnir here."

Everyone looked stunned. "She really is my daughter," Tony said.

"Sage," Steve said. "Think about this."

"No, you listen Capsicle, unless you want to find out how conductive a supersoldier really is, you'll convince Point Break here to drop the hammer."

"You want me to drop the hammer?" Thor bellowed.

Before Thor could throw the hammer, everyone was aiming a weapon at him. "She is our only chance against our grandfather," Loki said.

"Don't you dare hurt my daughter," Tony said.

"Be rational," Dr. Strange said.

"Would you rather get revenge for his taunts or kill countless people?" Loki asked.

Finally Thor looked his brother in the eyes and relaxed. "I will stay on the shore but Mjölnir stays with me. Sage, can you manipulate salt water as easily as fresh water?"

"Yes," she said.

Thor conceded, "Then I will no longer participate in training exercises, I will watch with Bruce." 

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