Cloudless night

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Kinda hurts tbh cause I was hoping for constructive criticism that's supposed to help me improve it, not straightforward

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Kinda hurts tbh cause I was hoping for constructive criticism that's supposed to help me improve it, not straightforward...criticism. But that's not stopping meh from continuing UwU

And about that book, I'm having quite of writer's block, so I haven't been able to update it •́  ‿ ,•̀

Anyways, we had no internet for a few days so I wrote this oneshot in my notebook to avoid the idea slipping away.

It's inspired btw :3

Almost 400 views! (≧▽≦)

Its a rainy night

Popping her umbrella open to protect herself from the rain, she inched forward only to be pulled back from behind.

"Your umbrella's too small, it'll collapse on you if the rain continues to pour harder" taking her umbrella in his hands, he popped his open and gave her a lopsided grin. "Let's share mine, it'll be easier"

She gave him a smile and they slowly went down the small stairs into the pouring rain. Her mind lingered towards the fact that the situation they were both in reminded her of the cliche scenes in the romantic films where the boy shares his umbrella with the girl and then BOOM, romance is formed. The subject wasn't brought up, but being a hopeless romantic, she can't help it.

She turned her attention to the boy when she noticed that it had gone all quiet. And unusual thing for a boy who loves astronomy and would either blabber away like there was no tomorrow. Especially on a night like this where even though it was raining, the stars were visible for some reason.

She sighed softly when she saw him listening to whatever in his earbuds, eyes closed in a peaceful manner while he still held onto the umbrella they were both sharing.

The boy was quite clumsy, so she was quite surprised that he hadn't slipped on some puddles by now.

The light pitter-patter of the rain that came from the umbrella above them, and small splashes their feet made when came into contact with the puddles, matches the serene situation.

An "unwanted" thought crossed her mind.

She stole another glance to the boy


She slowly and lowly called, expecting a "yes?" Or just a hum. But he didn't respond.

"Amane" she called again, this time being louder. Again, no response.  She was convinced he couldn't hear her, but her gut was telling the opposite.

Shaking that feeling away, she took a deep breath and mustered up all her courage to just utter three words.

That can potentially ruin their friendship.

"I love you"

Immediately, it seemed like the weight of the world descended from her shoulders, and she felt lighter. She gave a sigh of relief.

He stopped

And so did she

"I love you too"

Her breath hitched, the world seemed like it had stopped. Had she heard right? Was she imagining it? Doesn't seem like it though, since he was avoiding her gaze by scratching his neck, cheeks flushed red.

"Do you...?"

"Yes, I mean it, I love you too" he finally returned her gaze and gave her a loving smile before giving a kiss to her forehead.

"We'll talk about this later at my house, right now, we wouldn't want to miss dinner would we?" She nodded. And so he took her and hand and took off running, her being dragged from behind.

She looked up into the starry night sky

The rain had stopped

She felt lighter

And she had nothing to worry about

Just like the clouds that had disappeared along with the rain that represented her worries.

It was a cloudless night

"My little Daikon" //Hananene oneshots// ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now