"I know" Theo muttered, as he waved off Ollie walking towards the girls house, on the phone to Elijah, who as Theo already guessed was parked outside with Tiana.

Theo started the car to drive him and Naomi to the hair shop.

"Put the directions in my phone and I'll drive" Theo gestured as he passed Naomi his phone.

The drive was short, pretty similar to their usual drives, nothing new, but Naomi wanted to just go to the hair shop and go straight home. She wanted Theo to get to physio on time. She didn't need him getting introuble with his coach, just because he wanted to spend more time with her.

Finally, the two of them had pulled up to the hair shop, with Naomi passing Theo his phone back and the two of them getting out of the car.

Walking through the threshold of the hair shop, Theo was surprised to say the least.

He noticed so many isles of colours. Just colours is all he could think.

The vibrancy, the assortment, the large space. He couldn't believe that he'd ever just walked straight past this shop before without taking any notice of it. Obviously he didn't need to, because nothing in here was for him, but still.

He followed after Naomi as she walked through the isles of wigs, to packets of extensions, to now the first of many isles of hair products.

"Hold this please" Naomi asked, looking up at him as he finally snapped out of his daze of amazement and found her two bottles of 'Shea Moisture Extra Moisture Detangler'.

Theo took the two bottles from her hand without question and followed after her.

Next, she picked up 'As I am double butter cream moisturiser' and passed that to Theo as he held out his hand to take it from her.

She then moved to the next isle, picking up 'Jamaican black caster oil' and 'ORS monoi oil rejuvenating spray'.

Theo looked over and saw Naomi tiptoeing, reaching up and attempting to grab another product.

He saw her struggling and wordlessly walked over to where she was stood and grabbed the tub of raw Shea Butter for her.

"Thank you" she smiled, as she glanced at Theo carrying all of her products with no complaint. To be honest she kind of forgot he was even with her, besides him every now and then grabbing the items out of her hand to carry them himself because he didn't want her to carry them herself.

"Lucky I was here then?" He laughed

"Don't flatter yourself, I could of just asked someone to help me"

"Really? Naomi I know you and I know you hate talking to people you don't know"

"Okay you got me there. Are you going to come with me everytime then?"

"Everytime till the day we die"

"Hmm okay" she hummed kind of brushing off what he just said. He could say that all he wanted, but he would get bored. Not of her, she hoped. But she meant bored of the monthly or so task of coming to a hair shop to buy hair products and maybe the odd lipgloss and concealer.

Waiting On You [18+]Where stories live. Discover now