Chapter 22 - Pirates Marathon

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Mt. Justice

Several hours earlier

Raven was meditating in her room when she heard a commotion outside. Looking at her clock, she saw that it wasn't even 8 AM yet, which surprised her because it was a weekend and everyone but Superboy slept in. She debated going back to her meditation when she heard a loud CRASH coming from the training area.


"Language, Conner."

"Right. Sorry Miss Canary, just didn't expect to be thrown like that."

Raven sighed and threw herself back on the bed, seriously wishing she could just go back to sleep. But she knew she wouldn't be able to with Superboy training, he tended to be very loud and vocal. And gods even know why he was up training at this moment anyways. Rolling her eyes, she put on a purple hoodie and floated to her door.

"I need coffee," she muttered as she opened her door and floated into the hallway. A sleepy Megan also floated out of her room, looking at Raven before yawning.

"Why so early? It's Saturday!" Raven just shrugged.

"Coffee? I'm about to go make me some."

Stretching, she nodded sleepily and followed Raven into the kitchen and sat on a stool, where her head promptly hit the table with exhaustion. Raven stifled a laugh, which caused her to groan and turn her head so she could see her.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you're just very dramatic, that's all."

She groaned, "It's not my fault, training yesterday was miserable. 6 hours straight? Yeah, no thanks. I need sleep."

"You're usually so chirpy no matter what."

"I'm allowed grumpy days then, Raven. Coffee done?"

Raven actually laughed and got two mugs down from the cabinets. Conner and Black Canary walked in as she was pouring and also took a seat. "Can you pour me one too," Conner asked.

"Sure. Cream or sugar?"

"No thanks, just black please."

"I'll also take some, if you don't mind. But with a little cream and sugar. It's a cheat day." She winked at Raven and she smiled and poured the glasses, putting 3 spoonfuls of each in Dinah's glass before serving them their coffee.

"It looks like you're finally warming up to this place Raven. Superboy over here should take some lessons."


"I'm just messing around Conner. Good training session by the way."

"Thank you for taking the time to train me on a Saturday, I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, that's great that you're taking your training seriously now Conner, but did it really have to be so early in the morning?" Megan asked, now sipping her coffee, trying to fully wake up.

Raven noticed Conner blush when he started to apologize, "Meg, I'm sorry. I just really, really want to get better. And seeing as I don't sleep much, I figured it would be a great time to get some extra training in. I'm sorry if I woke you up.

M'gann put down her coffee and looked at him and frowned. "Conner, I'm not actually serious. I'm happy that you're taking training more seriously and that you're striving to get better. I'm just poking fun."

"Oh I get it. Wally's rubbing off on you!" Raven exclaimed, grinning like a dummy. Now it was Miss Martian's turn to turn red. "N-no! That's not true! Tell her Conner!"

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz