The duke went on the podium and spoke loudly.

''Everyone, I thank you all for coming to the birthday banquet of my sons...''

He started to speak of a speech and a few flowery sentences he could think of for the Razon twins.


Outside the banquet hall, Rosh was internally having a conversation with Amros.

'Both of it are ready, aren't they? Amros.'

''Yes, Master. The two of 'them' are already on the back of the manor's garden. They'll move after your signal later.'

'Make sure that you control them just fine, and hide all of the traces. I will not let anyone know of my power yet.'

''I assure you, Master. Everything is under control.''

'We'll see your performance later.'

Rosh quietly sighed and glanced at Josh who was just innocently smiling beside him.

''I wonder what the other nobles would be like.'' Josh suddenly said.

Not paying attention, Rosh used his heightened senses when he felt a few presences not too far from them.

The mana was faint and was barely present, only a few people would be able to do that. It seems like the duke hired them some hidden bodyguards.

''Brother, do you think the other noble children will like me?'' Josh turned to him.

Rosh stared at him for a second.

''I don't know, since I never met other noble kids too.''

''Oh, right.''

They have been living their lives freely in their homes, sometimes outside too, but Rosh remembered that they only started to meet other children their age after they became 8 years old in his past life. The flow of events are still quite the same as his past life.

Rosh's eyes twitched when he felt the hidden guards' mana waver.

'Amros. Find out what's happening.'

''Yes, Master.''


''..and now, finally. Everyone, all of my fellow nobles, I present to you, my sons.''

The knight who's guarding the hall's doors nodded and spoke.

''Young lord Rosh Edward del Razon, and young lord Josh Edmund del Razon is entering!''

Rosh is annoyed since it has been a few minutes since he ordered Amros to find out about the hidden guards.

''Brother?'' Josh looked at his brother who looked like he was still waiting for his lover to come a few hours after their meeting time.

''Yes? Ah, yeah, let's go brother.''

Both of them entered the large and wide banquet hall and saw a lot of people staring at them.

Josh smiled shyly while Rosh had an expressionless face. He had been experiencing the same events for years in his past life, being looked at like this is nothing.

The noble men and noble ladies started whispering and talking about them at the very first step they took inside.

''The Razon twins, how cute!''

''How could those children have such beautiful faces?''

''Their clothes match their eyes! It's a magnificent sight!''

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