76: Candy Stripers

Começar do início

"And we need someone here to be with the two of you," I remark shifting my gaze towards Astoria for a fleeting moment.

"And where are we on the anonymous texter search?"

"Xavier has a feeling that the anonymous texter is connected with Astoria's poisoning, we find the person who was poisoning our irmãzinha, we find our anonymous texter," I brief him in.

"And what do you think?" He questions making me frown at his question.

"What do I think?" I voice in confusion.

"Yeah, you said Xavier has a feeling, but you never told me what you think," he explains.

"I'm not sure," I sigh. "I have a weird feeling about this entire situation, just too many coincidences involved," I voice my worry.

"I agree, the timing seems oddly specific," he concurs.

"That reminds me, we have to start planning Astoria's festa de debutantes," he points out.

"Yeah," I sigh. "But we will have to wait for her to wake up first. We can't plan her birthday celebration without her inputs," I add.

"It's just two months away though," he remarks.

"I know. Have you thought about what you're getting her?"

"Nah, probably ask Fallon to help me out," he replies earning an eye roll from me. "Have you?" He turns the question on me, raising a single brow in question.

"I have actually," I reply.

He opens his mouth to say something but immediately silences himself when the room door is pushed open. "Noah, a word?" Seb says emerging from the door, stress, and worry evident on his face.

Excusing myself from the room I follow him out into the lobby where we find a secluded spot before he starts talking.

"A few minutes back we had this FBI agent come looking for Astoria here. The nurse sending him back for now saying that she isn't open to visitors for now, but I have a strong feeling he's going to come back tomorrow."

"Was he a Special Agent Louis, by any chance?" I enquire only to receive an affirmative nod from him. "We'll have to take care of this guy, he has been digging a bit too deep on Coach Lockhart's homicide," I sigh.

"You think he suspects us?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't want to take any chances with the feds," I remark.

"Just make sure he stays away from Astoria, we have enough on our plate already," I add.

"I can't do much if he gets a court order though," Seb points out.

"Then we'll make sure he doesn't," I reply pulling out my phone and scrolling through my contacts.

Time to call in that favor with Chief Justice Andrew Hopkins

"Mr. Santos!" A frantic voice catches my attention from across the hall. Looking up from my phone I spot the same candy-volunteer who was in the room earlier walking towards me hastily.

"What's wrong?" I ask her just as she reaches me.

Panting she takes a moment to regain her breathing. "I've been searching...for you all...over," she breaths out.

"What's the matter Ms..." I look at her nametag for a name, "Ms. Kapnick?"

"Your...your sister..." she pants causing panic to rise in me.

"What about my sister?" I prompt her to finish with an urgency in my tone.

"She's awake," she replies. "And she's kinda freaking out." I catch her add, but by then I'm already on my way towards the room.

Author's Note:

Hey guys!

So this week has been crazy...at least for me. I'm finally done with my fourth semester!!! Yay!

And with that said, I also have to acknowledge that I'm somewhat a terrible person.

Why you may ask?

So, I know I promised y'all that I would publish my new book only AFTER I had finished WTB, but I couldn't wait 😭

I tried, I really did, but I had major writer's block when I was writing this chapter and I just had so many ideas for the first chapter of that book, I couldn't resist the urge to write it.

So for those of you who want to check it out, you can find the book on my profile, because links I add in chapters for some reason don't work.

P.S it's called Fitting The Stereotype

And another thing... we are just 50k reads away from hitting 1 Million. Like seriously guys 1 freaking MILLION! I can't believe it!


Thanks for reading and supporting my work!

I love you guys!

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Stay Safe & Happy

Until next time...


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