"Oi fuck off bitch!"

The two continue their bickering for a little and I just stand there. Sure it was pretty funny watching them fight but I didn't really know what to do. Do I just stand here? Maybe try and stop them from fighting? Ugh I hate social interaction.

The woman slaps Katsuki on the head and he shuts up, though he still continues to glare at her.

"Anyway enough chit-chat! I made breakfast for y'all, it's on the table so feel free! Anyway I've gotta help my coworker at the design shop so I'll be back a little later. I'll see ya later!"

She grabs her keys and walks out the door while talking. After she leaves I glance at the table. There was bowls of steamed rice and plates with grilled fish on them. Most people would be delighted to have such a delicious breakfast for them but I was worried.

Of course I didn't wanna be selfish so what could I do to get out of eating?

"Oh well I'll probably eat later! I'm not too hungry at the moment." I offer a smile and look at Katsuki hoping he'd just let me go, but he just looks at me with an unconvinced look.

"Uh huh sure you nerd. Like I'd believe that. You need to eat something."

I anxiously bite my bottom lip and look away from him before nodding.

He walks towards the table and I follow behind him. We both sit down and I just stare at the food for a moment.

My stomach really wants me to eat but my brain says the opposite. I'm probably hideous and fat, it doesn't even matter how much I starve myself, I'll never loose weight.

"Hey stop staring and actually eat." Katsuki grumbles.

"Y-yeah." I take the chopsticks placed next to the food and begin to pick up a piece of white rice. It's just a little piece cmon Izuku!

I bring the food to my mouth and begin to slowly chew. I try stalling and not swallow but I can feel Katsuki's crimson red eyes staring at me. I swallow the rice and start feeling sick.

He stops staring at me and goes back to eating his own food. I sigh, he's probably not gonna let me leave till I've eaten at least a good amount.


Half my food is gone and the horrible feeling in my stomach feels worse now. Ugh I feel disgusting.

Katsuki finished his food a while ago but stayed at the table making sure I eat. I'm just a waste of time.

I stop staring at the plate and look over to him. He has his head resting on one of his hands. His ruby eyes staring at me.

"Uh I'm full now. I'll just.. eat the rest later!" I say and he continues to look at me for a moment like he's lost in thought about something.

He takes his head off his hand before standing up. "Alright fine. I'm gonna shower since I didn't get to last night."

I look away and stare at the ground.

"Oh yeah.. sorry." I frown as I apologize. He chuckles and ruffles my hair like he did this morning.

"Don't worry 'bout it nerd." He walks off into the bathroom and my stomach starts to churn. I need to get to a bathroom really quick!

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