Nine: Honey and Kunai

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At first we were at a loss of what to do. We knew we wanted to spend time together and that we were going to make the most of it but we weren't sure what to do exactly. Naruto's stomach rumbled and Pinkie and I looked at him as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't eat anything since I rushed to the hospital to see Hachiko-chan ya know." He said while scratching his cheek sheepishly. That gave me an idea.

'I've never had Ichiraku Ramen before.' I signed and Pinkie translated. Naruto stared at me as if I was some poor unfortunate soul.

"I can't let this continue, Kami forbid I get punished for not showing you the way. To Ichiraku's!" Naruto confidently exclaimed and then led the way to the ramen stand. I was going to protest, as I had no money but Pinkie beat me to it.

"We don't have money Naruto-kun."

"That's okay, I'm paying! I have to treat my friends to ramen, especially Hachiko-chan. Kami forbid she leave without knowing what her hometown ramen taste like." Damn. Naruto was serious about his ramen. Almost as serious as I was about my candy coffers.

We arrived at the stand and were greeted warmly by the messenger of the ramen gods, according to Naruto, that messenger was old man Teuchi.

"Teuchi-oyaji! I'm inviting my friends for ramen! Hachiko-chan is leaving for a long time tomorrow and she's never had ramen. I couldn't let her go with out at least having a bowl ya know." Naruto announced and the old ramen chef laughed but nodded.

"Ah so you're the Hachiko-chan that this gaki talks and talks about. Then this young lady must be Sakura-chan right?" I felt flattered that Naruto spoke to Teuchi about Pinkie and I. Pinkie was a given since Naruto was majorly crushing on her but me, that was unexpectedly pleasant.

"Well then, today's bowls are on the house. It's not everyday Naruto-chan brings friends." Naruto beamed and thanked the old man.

'Tell him I say thanks.' I signed and Pinkie translated. I got a polite nod and genuine smile from Teuchi. As soon as he set the bowl of ramen down, my mouth watered. Naruto, Pinkie and I ate with gusto.

"Mmm. This is delicious." Pinkie commented. I nodded agreeing with her.

'Tell Naruto I have accepted ramen into my life, second to Candy. I will love candy above all things.' I signed and Pinkie relayed my message earning a laugh from Teuchi and his daughter showed up and fawned over Pinkie and I.

"So adorable. Eh~ Naruto-chan never said he had such cute friends." I blushed but thanked her silently for the compliment. Pinkie herself got beet red. Any compliment made her react like that.

"They're smart too. Hachiko-chan can write really neatly and she signs to communicate and Sakura-chan can understand her." As Naruto added to the compliments, Pinkie began to get shy. Deep down she was still getting use to attention and being out of her shell. I on the other hand just blushed and tried to be modest by waving it off. I wasn't anything special. Just an adult in a child's body, nothing big there.

After ramen we headed out to the park as Sakura wanted to go on the swings. When we got there, Pinkie and I immediately got on the swings and began to have fun but I slowed down when I noticed Naruto just sat on his. I got off the swing I was on and began to help him. Pinkie noticed my efforts and joined me. She and I spent some time teaching Naruto to use his momentum to swing. After he got it down the three of us were swinging high and laughing, well in my case silently laughing. Deciding to take a break, we sat on the grass.

"You two thirsty?" I shrugged but Pinkie nodded.

"I'll go get some juice boxes from one of the vendy thingies." Naruto took off and Pinkie smiled at me.

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