Seven: Bad Influences

Start from the beginning

"So that's where you got the ridiculous idea to become a ninja." Jun-jiji bit seethed and crossed his arms. At the pit of my stomach I felt this feral feeling.

'How dare they mock his dream, my place in his dream.' My thoughts grew angry and I couldn't contain the anger growing in me. I openly glared back only to earn a scolding from Mim.

"Hachiko, drop that scowl."

'Only if Jun-jiji drops his glare. I know why you hate him. I'm not stupid. You can't see past your hate. He's a really nice boy.' Duelo gave me a look and signed for me to stop it.

"Oh no. No. You get that ridiculous blush off your face." Jun-jiji reprimanded. I didn't even realize I was red in the face.

'There's nothing wrong with me liking him.' I signed and crossed my arms while Mim gaped.

"Hachiko, you don't understand the situation. We are just worr-" I cut off Mim as I uncrossed my arms and started a flurry of signing. My anger was causing the pit of my stomach to feel hot.

'No. If you can't accept my friendship with him then that is your problem. Turn your eyes away from it, I don't care just don't you dare ask me to stop being his friend.'

"Duelo, say something." Jun-jiji turned to Duelo who shook his head.

"I don't have a problem with their friendship." He announced earning a glare from Jun-jiji and a soft look from Mim.

"Well I do and will forbid you from seeing that demon. It tore my family once apart, not again." Jun-jiji growled. I felt bubbling anger in my stomach extended out and began to tighten around my chest.

'Demon? He isn't a demon, they're acting like demons!' I internally raged even though I was in pain.


"What's going on?" I heard Mim ask. I felt woozy and Duelo eased the pain in my stomach with his green-hand-glowing jutsu. The room was cleared out and it was only Duelo and I. After the pain began to subside, Duelo looked very thoughtful.

"How long have you been mixing the three energies within you?" I looked at him and he waited for me to reply.

'I've only done it twice. You know about them? Why do I have three?' Duelo looked thoughtful but reprimanded me first before answering me.

"That was reckless and dangerous." I did deserve that but I asked him more. I didn't think it was dangerous or reckless.

'Why? What's wrong with me messing with them? I though chakra was meant to be messed with?'

"It is, but you are young and untrained. Not to mention you have only two chakras."

'No I have three.' I clarified recalling the information from my chakra book. Duelo shook his head.

"No technically you have two. It seems you are able to discern between the three types of energies in your system. That's something not many can do." I raised an eyebrow and Duelo sighed.

"You're too smart for your own good and that's bad Hachiko. You don't know it all and you shouldn't have mixed your chakra without proper supervision." Now I was concerned if he was lecturing me like a parent does to a child.

'Give it to me straight how bad is it?' I signed and hoped it wasn't bad but the way he looked, he was in doctor mode.

"Technically your body contains remnants of the Kyuubi's Chakra along with your spiritual and physical energy. The Kyuubi's chakra is strong and in the past has shown that it can overpower its host's chakra if there aren't proper seals set as buffers. Most children that were affected by it's chakra during the attack and happened to absorbed some of it's foul chakra were put into a coma and in some cases it overwhelmed their bodies and they died. I was able to keep you alive by keeping the chakra's separate. It was difficult but manageable." He explained.

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