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Rain spattered against the window, hitting the glass in soft split, splats. Rain certainly wasn't unusual in Miami, especially not during the summer months. It was something Camila was used to— something she treasured and loved. Some of her favorite memories in her childhood home are of hiding behind the living room blinds, pressed against the window with her nose in a book as the rain splattered against the window beside her.

Although she certainly wasn't a child anymore, she found herself silently descending the stairs, careful to avoid the creaky seventh step so she wouldn't wake her sleeping parents and tiptoeing quietly into the family room, moving the blinds aside and settling down in the same spot she used to frequent as a little girl, resting her head against the cool glass and listening to the downpour outside.

She felt extra nostalgic tonight — maybe it was because it's her last night in her childhood home, or maybe because tomorrow, she's going to be walking down the aisle toward the love of her life and she feels like her childhood is officially over. She isn't sure what it is exactly, but she knows that coming home won't feel the same anymore after tonight.

Perhaps because she knows that it won't be home anymore. Home won't be her childhood bedroom, where she spent countless days and nights dreaming about her wedding day, wondering who would be waiting for her at the end of the aisle.

Tomorrow, home will be Lauren, and wherever she takes her. If she's being honest with herself, she's known that for a long time now. She's known home wasn't a place, it was a person. And right now, she felt homesick, despite the fact that she was physically in her home. She felt a homesickness for her soon-to-be wife.

She also felt homesickness for the fact that tomorrow this wouldn't be home anymore, and the thought felt foreign to her. It felt odd not to think of this place of home anymore. She didn't know how to feel. Nervous about the future, excited about spending the rest of her life with someone who adored her as much as Lauren did... anxious about not being with her parents anymore.

A loud boom of thunder shook the house, pulling her out of her thoughts. Tugging her sweater tighter around herself, Camila shudders slightly, a chill suddenly going down her spine. Her phone buzzes in her lap and her favorite name comes across the screen, causing a smile to form on her lips.

Lolo: missing you.
Camzi: missing you more.

Taking a deep breath, Camila slowly stands from her spot, pausing for a moment to gaze out the window at the falling rain, allowing herself a moment of nostalgia before quietly slipping back upstairs, heart thumping in her chest at the thought of going home tomorrow.

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