Pt. 1| Midoriya Izuku x Daughter!Reader: Family Fights

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Hey everyone! I wanted to address before you read that I did base this oneshot off of @/SuperiorStache 's thread "Mahoro Fights with Izuku and Katsuki" on Twitter. I love the idea of Deku being an amazing hero but a not so great dad. There is some low key DekuOcha but only because they are married in this story.

I also didn't pair Bakugou with anybody in this story, as someone on the ASPEC (Asexual/Aromantic Spectrum), I see him with some of those qualities. It's just a little head cannon that he is AroAce or even Demiromantic Asexual. Of course I do still ship him with other characters, I just like the idea of AroAce Bakugou. I also imagine that he'll start going deaf because of his quirk as he gets older so he does where hear aids in this one-shot.



Midoriya (Y/N) looked down at the kitchen table angrily, her dad had missed another one of her violin contests. She and her mom, Ochaco, had just returned home. She won first prize -of course she always does- she made sure to win at everything hoping that her dad would do more than say 'That's great sweetie' and retreat into his home office. He never went to anything of hers. She knows that he's a Pro Hero and his job is important but so is her mom and she always takes time off to go to (Y/N)'s contests or anything that her daughter has. Even if she has to go back to work right after she at least makes an effort to show up and when Ochaco can't be there she calls and says sorry and promises she'll definitely make it to the next one. Her dad is no calls, no texts, not even an apology.

    The front door opened and Midoriya Izuku -Hero Deku- walked in looking ragged. He turned into the kitchen and obviously didn't expect his wife and child to still be awake at 11:00 at night.

"Hey what are you still doing up?", Deku walked over to the kitchen table and tried to kiss (Y/N)'s head but she pushed him away, he frowned.

"You should know, I've only been talking about it for months. It's on the calendar and everything. I even went and left you a sticky note on your desk", (Y/N) grumbled into the tea cup her mom had set in front of her earlier.

Deku opened the fridge and pulled out a bowl of leftover Soba from when her Uncle Shoto came over for dinner a couple nights ago; Deku had been late for that too, "You're gonna have to remind me sweetie, it's been a long day".

(Y/N) stood up from her chair with a screech and yelled, "Are you serious right now! You didn't even remember! I had a contest tonight! Which I won by the way, not that you care."

    "What are you talking about? Of course I care."

    "If you cared you would have shown up", (Y/N) walked out of the room before her father could get another word in.


    The next night (Y/N) stayed over at her Uncle Kacchan's apartment. She didn't want to be at home with her dad right now. She was perfectly happy sitting on her favorite uncle's couch while they watched some American documentary about sharks and ate spicy curry. Her uncle wasn't married and -as far as she knew- had never dated anybody. He used to live with Kirishima until he got married to Auntie Mina.

    "So why are you really here kid?", Bakugou asked after placing his empty bowl on the coffee table in front of him.

"What? I can't come spend time with my favorite uncle?", (Y/N) knew that she had been caught but still tried to avoid the subject.

    "Usually you're talking my damn ear off to the point where I have to turn my fucking hearing aids down but you've been in your head all fucking night", Bakugou crossed his arms turning his full body to look at his honorary niece, leaning against the arm of the couch.

    "First of all rude", (Y/N) turned and leaned against her respective couch arm, "Me and dad got into a fight. Well it was less of a fight and more of a 'me yelling at him while mom looked at him disappointingly' type of thing".

    Katsuki motioned for her to continue. He wasn't surprised that Deku did something wrong, he used to have these conversations with Ochaco when they were still dating.

    "He forgot about my contest again! He's never made it to a single one of my concerts! He's never even called or texted me saying that he can't come, he doesn't even apologize. I get that he's a Hero and his job is important but so is Mom and she calls me or at least texts me saying that she's sorry she can't make it and that she promises to come to the next one. She puts in an effort to come even if she has to leave right afterwards or during it. Dad doesn't even remember!", (Y/N) through her hands in the air for emphasis.

    "I've been talking about this contest all month long, I've marked it on the calendar, I've even left him a note on his desk. He's late to everything, Uncle Shoto came and had dinner with us last week and Dad showed up like an hour before Uncle left. He forgot his and Mom's wedding anniversary last month, he still hasn't remembered. They had dinner reservations and Mom dressed up really nice but when he didn't show up after four hours of waiting for him she went to bed. She's trying not to show it but I know it still hurts".

    Bakugou knew that Deku forgot his anniversary, Ochaco called him crying about a week after it happened. He hadn't had a call like that since they were dating. Katsuki didn't know that Deku was this bad though, he doesn't even know why considering that hero work has been relatively quiet. He also knows that the only thing on Deku's schedule for yesterday was a meeting -that Bakugou was in attendance for- with all the Top 10 heroes, few interviews and a new suit fitting.

    "He doesn't even show any interest when I win anything. I try so hard to win every contest hoping that maybe he'll be happy for me but all I get is a 'That's great sweetie' then he goes and locks himself in his home office for the rest of the night. I can't even tell you when the last time he went and slept in his own bed was. I wouldn't be surprised if me and Mom packed our things and left and he wouldn't notice until the rare time that he needs something from us", (Y/N) pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, "I honestly thought that Mom was going to file for divorce after the anniversary incident".

    Katsuki sighed, Deku was an idiot. He reached over and pulled (Y/N) into his arms and hugged her tightly. That's not something any child should be thinking about, let alone a 16 year old girl. (Y/N) clung to his form and started shaking, she was crying. Her tears started to dampen his shirt as her sobs grew. Bakugou rubbed her back thinking of ways to murder Deku while also to not hurt (Y/N)'s feelings.

    "It'll be okay. Your dad is just a dumbass sometimes", he attempted to joke.

    (Y/N) chuckled weakly, "You think so?"

    "Yeah I think so but if he doesn't get his shit together soon I'll go kick his ass for you", Bakugou grinned borderline feral, "Okay?".

    (Y/N) wrapped her arms around him tighter, there was a reason he was her favorite uncle, "Okay".


I know that this was short but there will be a part two eventually. I hope you enjoyed <3

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A Silver Star | George Weasley

You're Timeless to Me | Enoch O'Connor

When the Flood Gates Open | Loki Laufeyson

A Silver Star: Cut Scenes


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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