"Where to?" Sakusa questioned, himself and Atsumu had just left the house seeing as how said blonde seemed to have somewhere he wanted to go.

"There's an arcade 'Samu an' I would hang around when we were little, I thought ya might like it!" Atsumu smiled brightly, causing Sakusa to smile softly under his mask.

"It's not as popular as it used t' be, so there shouldn't be too many people, are ya up for it?"

"Sure, why not." Sakusa nodded lightly, his small smile growing as he felt Atsumu intertwine their fingers while they walked.

The rest of the way there, Sakusa listened to the rather overjoyed blonde at his side as he pointed out little parts of his town, he seemed to have a memory linked to just about everything.

Normally, by now however, Sakusa would've told any other person to stop talking so much, but Atsumu — Atsumu was an exception, especially seeing how much joy he got from talking about all the little thing's he did in his home town.

His talking, something Sakusa could listen to for hours, eventually halted as they came to a stop outside the arcade's doors. It was a fairly sized building, giving off a colder yet flashy sense as its colours were a big mix of darker blue shades, blacks, purples, and then contrasts of neon yellows, greens, and pinks.

"Yer gonna love it here Omi, I already know it!" Atsumu smiled brightly to himself as he pushed the arcade door open, holding it for Sakusa so the other wouldn't have to touch it.

"I'll take your word for it 'Tsumu." Sakusa nodded, a soft smile resting under his mask as they made their way inside.

Atsumu kept his word, and like said, the place was far from crowded, it was almost as if they had the entire arcade to themselves.

Flashy arcade cabinets lined the walls, LEDs outlining the ceilings and the floors, faint music playing over speakers, galaxy painted carpets covering the ground, this was the kind of place Atsumu had grown very familiar with as he'd sneak out with Osamu on special occasions to come visit.

Speaking of Atsumu, said blonde looked to Sakusa, who of which seemed to be focused on taking in every detail the arcade held, a small shine sitting in his beautiful black eyes. They'd only just gotten there and he seemed to be enjoying it, which warmed Atsumu's heart.

That warm feeling however wasn't focused on for long as Atsumu soon found himself being led off and farther into the arcade by Sakusa, the ravenette had his eyes on a game and mindlessly started walking over.

They started off at Centipede, after getting tokens that is, Centipede it was the first game Sakusa recognized as he used to play it with Komori when they were younger, just not usually in an arcade, so this was a first for him.

Both put a token in, then got the game set on multiplayer before they started. It came as no surprise once the game began that Sakusa held a higher record for points, as he played the game more, where Atsumu on the other hand, he'd normally leave Centipede to Osamu while he went off to play Q*bert.

Saying that, it was pretty obvious who ended up winning. A pretty acknowledgeable victory according to Sakusa as he was quite a few thousand of points ahead of Atsumu, something the blonde wasn't to keen on. So like the player he is, Atsumu instantly challenged Sakusa to another game, all in the name of friendly competition. When in reality, he just wanted to get rid of the smirk he knew Sakusa was hiding under his mask.

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