"Don't even think about it." Sakusa gave Atsumu a look as the blonde looked at him, a look that read 'I'm serious'.

"Yer no fun." Atsumu rolled his eyes and let out a huff, looking from Sakusa to his dinner, now focusing on eating.

This finally made some silence, both Sakusa and Suna being left with two pouty twins who every now and then sent each other a side-eyed glare. Just the sight almost made the two laugh, leaving everyone, including the twins despite their slight anger, feeling at home.

Dinner at the Miya's residence was definitely something the four would do more often.

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After everyone finished dinner, there was a small amount of kitchen clean up before the four went their own ways, splitting into groups of two. Suna and Osamu stayed downstairs in the living room while Atsumu and Sakusa went upstairs and to Atsumu's room.

The first thing Atsumu did was walk over to his bed and fall back into his rather soft blanket, an action of which caused a small chuckle from Sakusa as he took a seat on the other side of the bed.

"What're ya laughin' at?" Atsumu looked to Sakusa, only to receive the other shaking his head in response.

"Nothing, I have no clue what you're talking about." Sakusa once again stated rather dully, the slight smirk on his face seemingly going unnoticed by Atsumu.

Speaking of which, said blonde finally sat up, eyeing the ravenette beside him suspiciously. "Mhm, sure ya don't," Atsumu rolled his eyes playfully. "Ya ain't that sneaky Omi, but I'll leave ya be this time an' this time only."

"Anyways, any suggestions on what ta watch?" Atsumu questioned, not taking his eyes off Sakusa who seemed to give it a thought, yet after a minute simply shake his head.

"BSD?" The blonde suggested, earning a nod from Sakusa. He didn't see a reason as to why not, so simply nodded in response.

Atsumu found himself nodding slightly as well, just as confirmation and went to get BSD going, all while Sakusa moved back towards the headboard and got comfortable. Normally he would've been hesitant about this kind of thing but he was assured, and seen himself that their place was well cleaned, which he learned was actually fairly normally there, that wasn't something he really expected considering the way Atsumu acted. Nevertheless, he was thankful for the state of cleanliness.

Being brought out of his thoughts, Sakusa glanced over to his right where Atsumu had taken a seat, they were pretty good with physical contact for the most part, so Sakusa simply let him. After they were situated, the two turned their attention to the tv and simply let the time pass by.

°••°•°••° ~—~•—•~—~ °••°•°••°

Atsumu yawned softly and stretched, the two had been watching BSD for quite a bit, which was known to Atsumu when he checked his clock to see it was nearing eleven thirty.

Figuring they should probably get to sleep, the blonde turned to his side to tell Sakusa, only to figure out the other was already fast asleep, a sight that brought a smile to Atsumu's face.

"Ya beat me t' it." Atsumu chuckled, his tone staying just above a whisper as to not wake the ravenette at his left.

Silently, the blonde got up and walked over to the other side of his bed, gently moving Sakusa a little so he could lay down properly, then pulling the covers up over him.

Once he was done that, Atsumu walked over to his side and grabbed for his contacts case in a tired daze, without a single thought, he took both out and put them away, giving a content smile once he was finished. After that, he turned and got into bed, once again carefully moving into place at Sakusa's side before pulling the covers back up and relaxing.

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