Chapter 12.

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Pic of Jazzy scared and right pic of rogues scaring her. Alesha's ice spear and far right Arto and Atom. Song by Bryan Adams - I Will Always Return Lyrics.

Alesha's POV

No where is she I ran to our memorial sight but she's not here I used my Phoenix sight I heard my mates come to my side but I ignored where are you Jazzy? Fly now AAAAHHHHH Pearl wasn't hurt but I screamed and clutched my neck, Jazzy I shifted into Pearl I was feeling Jazzy's pain I used the pain to track her. She was outside the territory surrounded with rogues Pearl called out to her in comfort I dug my sharp talons into a rogues neck thrashing its head and pecking another rogues eyes out my mates' joined in I saw Sky swoop down and gently coo over Jazzy who was in a foetal position I could sense she was hurt and used an ice spear from my chest impaling the wolf I heard it howl in pain and relished in it. I shifted and stood over my sister my eyes shifted to their crystal shade as I created a snow storm to blind the wolves of sight and smell. I turned to my little sister and cradled her in my arms "sssshhhh safe now, I'm here." I began to hum to the song from the movie Spirit and watched as my Phoenix used it to heal her horrible neck wound. A Phoenix can only heal another Phoenix. I wiped away my tears I've never been more scared to witness my sister get attacked it was worse than getting attacked by the monster.
My mates' killed the rogues easily Atom came up slowly to me and whimpered in apology to Jazzy for hurting monster in front of her I smiled sadly as she nodded in acknowledging his unsaid apology she sat up hugging me. "Sissy they hurt me my neck was so so sore how come I don't feel sore now?" I pulled back from our hug fixing her hair back into place. I smiled and pushed my forehead to hers "I'm your sister and a fully shifted Phoenix though your not shifted my Phoenix can call to yours and heal you through humming or singing. Now when you get your Phoenix you won't need Pearl to heal you cause your Phoenix will do that for you, but until then your stuck with me Jazz."
I picked her up and Arto let me lean on him to stand up with my sister on my hip I'm now in my white jumpsuit after I shifted back my mates' looked me up and down I rolled my eyes seriously. I carried her back to the pack house and our stuff was already in the cars I buckled Jazzy into her car seat before getting in next to her Lucas sat beside me his head low Liam sat in the passenger side as Hector I think you call him drove. "Jazzy I'm really sorry I shouldn't have hurt your dad I promise I didn't kill him." Liam huffed like he wanted him dead to be honest I did too but I know he never hurt Jazzy so I get why she wouldn't want him dead. "It's fine" was all she said as she looked out the window I don't think she's fully forgiven him yet but I'm sure she will some day. I noticed Lucas was angry with himself for losing control so I took his left hand in my right hand and squeezed it comfortingly giving him a soft it'll be ok look with my eyes, he brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles. I blushed and looked away catching the grateful looking gaze of Liam I nodded in silent reply.

"How did it go girls?" Christina asked as soon as I freed Jazzy she ran into the palace not talking to anyone on the way the Queen watched her leave and turned her questioning gaze to me. "I'll tell you inside Y-Christina" she beamed from me calling her by her name and we walked inside I knew Jazzy was still scared so I wanted to make sure she was alright.

I made her hot chocolate with marshmallows and watched Disney's The Princess and the Frog and she was exhausted so I tucked her in and left my mates' were outside her room Lucas still guilty. "I'm so sorry angel I never wanted her to get hurt." I sadly smiled and hugged him. "You didn't know she'd run away, and you also had no idea she'd run straight into rogues so I want you to stop this blaming yourself thing it won't change it, what's done is done she's fine now. Let's go tell your parents what happened." I took their hands and we found his parents in their office.

"Ah there you are, are you both alright Jazzy didn't even say hi something happened didn't it?" I reply to the Queen. "Yeah something happened, well I had finished packing Jazzy's things and was finishing packing my stuff when I don't know which one but one of your sons said 'who smells smoke' and Jazzy looked out my window and said my gallery was on fire. So naturally I shifted out my window to my burning gallery it looked like it had been burning for some time, so I screamed and my ice stopped the fire I ran inside my only thought was my mothers portrait but it, it was destroyed. I came out furious with you know who and he had the gall to stand there with a lighter in his hand and petrol cans next to him. Naturally I had had enough of him always being an ass and Liam shouldn't of held me back." I glare at Liam who holds his hands up in surrender. Lucas began "I was pissed beyond belief I don't know much about why you can't stand him mum but when I saw what he did and why he said he did it I was also furious that I let Atom take over I shifted and attacked that stupid prick and then I realised my mistake because I bit their father in front of Jazzy and as soon as she screamed I let him go when Alesha was running after her trying to find her. We looked and looked then Arto and Atom whimpered because our mate was in pain and we couldn't help her, but it was Jazzy's pain she felt and it guided her to Jazzy. Then we we got there Alesha was throwing ice spears at rogues we fought them whilst Alesha took care of Jazzy I was amazed when Alesha healed her sister I didn't know she could do that I apologised to Jazzy in the car but I know it'll take me longer to win her trust again, I'm still sorry angel." His parents gaped at the story I sat on his lap. "I told you stop blaming yourself she'll forgive you and you didn't hurt me so enough ok." He didn't look at me but nodded his head. "Oh dear is she ok maybe I'll go read to her." "Thank you Christina but she's asleep we watched a movie and I gave her hot chocolate so she'll sleep well now."

My mates' and I took a walk outside to clear our heads. "Baby how come you can heal your sister don't she have to have like you know be a shifted Phoenix." "No she doesn't as long as there is a completely shifted Phoenix around, an injured non fully shifted Phoenix can be healed in song it's different slightly if the same said non shifted Phoenix died for the first time. Only family Phoenix's can bring them back if that happens they have what's known as a forced shift and that's very risky for other people around. Their Phoenix wasn't supposed to take form yet so they become wild and hard to focus so they're reasonably dangerous so it's not just the fact she's my sister I'm protective of her but also because I understand how dangerous she would be if that happened so I must protect her for her own sake. It's what mum would want." I look down at my feet. Lucas lifted my chin so I could meet his eyes and Liam pulled me securely into his waist the sparks comforting me. "Then we will also protect Jazzy, angel she's our sister now too anyway." I squeal happiness flooding my body I excitedly hug them both before pulling away and they showed me around the palace before bed.

Phoenix And Her Tears (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz