(49) Interrogation

Start from the beginning

"We are at war." Maryse announces, powerful as ever "Valentine now has the Mortal Cup, with which he is, no doubt, raising a new army, and one of our own has joined him"

"She's talking about Jace, isn't she?" Clary gasps, her face falling as I reach to touch her hand, soothing her erratic nerves.

"Looks like the Queen's taking back her Kingdom" Izzie sneers, folding her arms as she scowls up at her mother.

"As a result, the Clave has declared a state of emergency at the Institute. It is an honour to introduce the newly appointed head of the New York Institute, Clave representative, Victor Aldertree."

The whispers and noise of unsettlement grow at the announcement and my eyes shift to Lydia, who looks as blindsided and betrayed as this entire scheme seemed.

"Did you know about this?" Alec asks, his voice low.

"You're mother went behind my back" Lydia replies, though her voice is barely heard, exasperated as she watches the new head step forward.

I keep my eyes trained on him, looking over his short dark hair and tan skin and the way his suit seems to fit him just right. Aldertree looks serious, the small smirk he seems to throw out exudes a sense of power.

And he does have power. The ultimate power.

"My fellow Shadowhunter's. It's an honour to be here with you all." He smiles, clasping his hand firmly at his front.

"We have to find Jace Wayland. He's a Shadowhunter and we don't leave our people behind. The answer to his location may very well lie in this room" His eyes flicker over to Clary and me, his gaze wavering slightly as our eyes lock before shifting.

"So, I want to speak with everyone who went on a mission where Jace disappeared." He states nodding, and before we can disperse he says one final thing. "Also, effective immediately, the Institute is on lockdown. But it's only temporary. Let's turn this Institute around."

And with that, he turns and leaves, barely acknowledging the chaos his words left behind.

"If we're in lockdown, who's going to find Jace?" Clary mutters, looking to Izzy, disbelief written across her face.

"We'll figure it out Risa, don't worry." Clary nods and as we stand readying ourselves for the next few hours, I notice Alec's eyes closed in on me and soon he's moving in my direction, his intention clear.

"Camilla" My eyes turn at the mention of my name, feeling Alec stop beside me also. "Aldertree would like to see you in his office".

I nod, a mixture of fear and relief weighing me down. Nodding to the others I swiftly walk away, my mind spinning as I contemplate what Aldertree could ask and how the hell I'm going to talk to Alec.


"You wanted to see me?"

Aldertree turns, a smile gracing his handsome features and his eyes brightening as he ushers me in. I notice he's taken off his blue blazer and now wears a waistcoat, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

"Please take a seat," He says, his hand signalling for the black couch across from his desk. I nod stiffly before sitting down, my eyes follow his movements as he shifts in front of me and places himself on the seat directly in front of me.

"Quite the interrogation you've got set up here" I snark, folding my arms as I lean back my eyes zeroed in on the camera set up and pointed at me. The words come out lightly, though the heat behind this coup is evident.

Aldertree merely chuckles, pulling out a small pad and pen, his eyes dancing with amusement. "This isn't an interrogation, though it is official business, so I have to be official".

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