The First Round Part 1

Start from the beginning

Saturn raced around the stadium, Shasa decided to go with attack mode since it has the upper advantage, but immediately, Saturn raced up into the ramp and flew into the air.

"Woah!" Shasa yelled out, she was surprised of the surprising factors this stadium has for the bladers.

Saturn safely landed back onto the stadium and raced down the ramp.

"Man! This stadium rules!" Shasa said out loud, she forgot about the battle, instead, she was having fun.

So, she really is new to this. Ranjiro smirked but then turned into a shocked face when he saw Saturn quickly jump into the side walls and race around like the speed of light.

Saturn quickly lands an attack on Ragnaruk and sends it flying into the air.

"She just grazed us!" Ranjiro asked in a surprised voice.

In result, Saturn hit the stadium walls and flipped into the air like a skater does with a skateboard and landed back onto the stadium which shocked Ranjiro. This girl has tricks up her sleeve.

Saturn quickly raced and landed on the upper deck of the stadium.

"Hard to believe. She's already got a grip of the stadium." Silas said with a curious look.

"Yep. She's improved much more the last time I saw her." Free responded

"End this with a burst! Super Tornado!" Ranjiro yelled out his special move.

"Limit Break: Surge!" Shasa also yelled out her special move.

Both beys clashed in the middle and resulted in Glide Ragnaruk bursting into the air and out of the stadium.

Ranjiro gasped as the referee announced the scores.

"Surge Saturn with a burst finish! The score is 2-0"

The crowd cheered.

"That's how we roll!" Shasa cheered on.

"Shasa Guten has already started the tournament off strong with a burst finish and is in the current 2-point lead!" Hanami said while Ranjiro was glancing over at her while putting his bey back together.

"What kind of blader is she...?" Ranjiro asked himself while he gripped his beyblade. He's come too far to lose in the first. He needs to end things fast in the second battle.

Valt was grinning at the sight while Dante looked at it in amazement.

"She's improved so much the last time she battle me." Dante said to himself.

Lane squinted his eyes a little bit while he just muttered out:

"Surge Saturn." 

"Second Battle!"

This isn't good! I'll have to blow attack after attack until I find an opening. I have to win this match! Ranjiro gritted his teeth in frustration.

I've battled Ragnaruk so many times, no matter what you do. I'll burst you in one shot. Shasa smiled as she decided to keep Saturn in attack mode.

"Can Ranjiro turn this next battle into his favor and take us into the third round?" Hanami commented.

"Ready? Set!"




"GO, SHOOT!" Lightning launches sparked out as both beyblades heavily landed on the stadium.

Beyblade Burst: Shasa's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now