Reaper Time, Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I.. See your point." Karasuma says reluctantly. "Very well, I'll do it. Thanks for your dedication." Karasuma says as Nagisa hands him the bouquet. After Ritsu passes the signal on to the rest of the class, they leave Irina by herself and she grumpily stomps back into the teachers lounge where Karasuma is waiting with the flowers. He hands them to her and she looks surprised and starts blushing. The whole class watches from outside of the window. She clutches the bouquet and starts smiling. Okay... So far so good. Then Mr.Karasuma says something and Irina's face looses its glow. What did he do? That idiot... She storms past him and flings open the window, my classmates flinching away from the window.

"Oh, hey there." Nakamura says sheepishly.

"Well, we're screwed." Yoshida says.

"I figured you had to be behind this. A bouquet of flowers, huh? Like the square would think of doing something like that for me of his own will." Irina says, her face scarily calm. Then she whips out her gun and points it up to the sky and shoots, scaring Korosensei from his position on the roof. "You enjoy yourselves, stringing me along so you can see a pathetic assassin get her little hopes up?"

"That's not the case at all Miss Irina. The children's intentions were utterly pure." Korosensei reasons. Ours may be, but that camera you're holding suggests different for you.

"Save it octorazzi!" Irina shouts before giving a smile that kind of reminds me of Karma's scary one that he gets when he's actually pissed. Well, I lived a good life. Then Irina walks away from us and shoves the bouquet into Karasuma's chest, petals drifting to the ground and continuing out of the room. "You've opened my eyes. Best birthday present ever." She says sarcastically. That didn't go very well. Then Irina struts out of the building, not even stopping to look at us.

"Hold on!" Sugino says.

"Professor Bitch, please!" Kataoka pleads.

"Not to point fingers or anything Mr.K, but that was kind of cold of you, don't you think?" Maehara says.

"Don't tell us you still haven't noticed how she feels!" Okano exclaims.

"You kids don't really believe I'm that oblivious, do you? I'm a heartless bastard for good reason. Emotions can't be allowed to get in the way of what needs to be done. We're professionals. If her feelings for me can dull her blade, then she's not qualified to be an assassin. That's all there is to it." Karasuma says coldly. I suppose that makes more sense than him being so dense. It doesn't surprise me that he can pretend like that.

"But.. Mr.Karasuma." Nagisa says softly. After that conundrum, we're dismissed for the day. This morning I had somehow gotten Itona to agree to walk with me.

"How's it going with Terasaka?" I ask.

"Mm, fine. It's not as lonely as it was before." He says.

"Ooh, did you ever finish the drone?" I question.

"Yeah. I had a small problem with the rotation speed, but once I adjusted a few wires and got a new battery it worked." He says.

"You'll have to show me sometime. No using it for spying on the girls though." I say. The next few days, Miss Bitch had practically disappeared. Nobody had seen or heard from her in days. I didn't think we pissed her off that bad.

"She hasn't been here in three days." Chiba says.

"We really crossed a line this time guys." Yada says softly.

"Well, I'm off. You can call me if there's any news on Miss Irina. Meanwhile, there's a football tournament in Brazil I must attend. So, bye!" Korosensei says before flying out the window.

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