I instantly look up at him and he kisses my nose. "But you don't have to, I don't want you having problems because you're not there," I tell him and he shakes his head smiling.

"Baby, it's my company I can do whatever I want and besides, I am never leaving you alone if you're in pain, got it?" he kisses my lips and I nod smiling. God, what did I do to deserve this man?

These past weeks were amazing. Ever since we confessed to each other I've been so happy like never before. He is always there for me, he would always leave his work like today if I need him, we talk about anything and I really feel cared for.

"Do you want me to rub your stomach? Would that help?" he quietly asks.


He immediately lifts my shirt and puts his hands on my lower stomach, his finger going into my shorts a little with his movements. His hands are warm and gentle so I close my eyes and relax already feeling a little bit better. I don't understand. When I tried this it didn't help me but he can somehow do anything.

"Feeling any batter baby?" he asks after some time and kisses the top of my head, resting his chin on top of it right after.

"Mhm". I sigh and lean more into him, his naked chest radiating warmth as well.

"I'll tell Mari to make you something for breakfast as soon as she comes back" he whispers but I feel myself falling asleep, the pain slowly going away.


Five Months Later

"Honey, I'm home!".

I hear Lorenzo yell from the front door and I smile as he makes his way into the kitchen and lifts me up to leave a deep passionate kiss on my lips.

I sigh into the kiss when I feel his hands roaming all over my body, my hands going through his hair and pulling a little which makes him groan and I shudder at the sound. He bites my lower lip and pulls on it before pecking me one last time and leaning his forehead on mine.

"I've missed you, baby. I missed you so much" he nuzzles my nose and hugs me tight, hiding his face in my neck and leaving a kiss there.

"I've missed you too".

He and Lucas were on a business trip for two weeks, this was the first time we've been separated for that long since we got into a relationship and it was a little bit hard, mostly for him. He texted me multiple times a day and every night we would face time before going to bed. I found it cute that he couldn't go a day without hearing from me but I wanted him to focus on work and didn't want to bother him too much but he wouldn't bug.

I spent my days mostly with Lindsey and Emily. They would sometimes sleep over or I would go to their place. One night they took me to a club and let's just say Lorenzo wasn't so happy about it, especially when Lindsey sent him a picture full of drinks that some guys paid for us. We didn't spend a dollar that night but Lorenzo didn't take it well. And he was worried about the fact that I wasn't legal yet to drink but Lindsey has connections with the club we went to so they let me in.

He was so cute when we face timed after Lindsey and Emily dropped me home. He said he would find those guys and beat their asses if they just looked my way. He was possessive but not too much and I found it to be sexy. And kinda funny that a man like him is scared that I would leave him for another guy.

Mari was also away for a little vacation with Bruno. They finally came clean about their relationship even though we knew something was going between them. They came back just yesterday and Mari is already back at work.

Lorenzo wanted her to stop working and he would still pay her since he wants to help her live comfortably and she is like a family to him but she said she doesn't want to quit. She enjoys being here with us and cooking for us but she is working a lot less than she used to.

"How was the trip?" I ask when we pull away but he doesn't take his hands off me and neither am I.

"Exhausting but good. We need to go back to San Francisco in a month to see if everything is settled".

They went to San Francisco to see how the orphanage they are building is coming up. The company from San Francisco specifically asked for him to do the project since they know who he is and that he is good and he said yes because it was one of his mom's plans to work on before she died.

"Would you like to come with me?" he rubs my back and my eyes widen.

"You want me to come with you?".

"Yes, baby. I want you to see my first work directly there and not just on the paper" he smiles and bites his lip as he waits for my answer.

"I'll come with you". I smile and hug him. I feel his smile widen on my neck before he speaks. "Thank you, baby, it means a lot".

The hotel in Hawaii was partly his first project too but he only finished what his mom started. This orphanage is all on him and how could I say no. I want to support my man, I know how much he worked on this.

"Oh look who's back" Mari chirps and Lorenzo turns around to face her while still holding me.

"Hello," he smiles and lets go of me to give her a hug. "How are you?".

"I'm fine, how are you? You're the one that just came back from work" she smiles up at him.

"I'm great now that I'm home". He turns to face me and gives me a big smile before coming to my side again and putting his arm around my waist.

"You two are adorable" Mari winks at us and we chuckle. "You go take a shower and rest while a prepare dinner okay?" I look up at him and he nods.

"No, I'll do that dear, you two should spend time with each other now that he's back" Mari immediately objects and I look at her but she just nods as in a sign that she'll do it.

"I'm okay with that" Lorenzo winks down at me. "I just need to send something to my company right away so I'll be in my office for some minutes but you wait for me in the bedroom okay?" he whispers the last part and I blush nodding my head and letting go of him so he can make his way towards his office.

"Are you sure you don't need any help with dinner?" I ask Mari one more time but she shakes her head. "It's fine honey really" she smiles and I give her a smile back before leaving the kitchen.

Just as I was about to go upstairs, the doorbell rings and I go back through the living room to see who it is. When I open the door I'm met with a blonde woman that is dressed in a short red dress with a deep v cut that almost shows her whole busty chest and black high heels, too high if you ask me.

"Um hello, can I help you?".

"Hi, is Lorenzo here?".

"Hi, is Lorenzo here?"

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