thirty two

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Yeonjun, liked him?

Him, Choi Soobin?

Choi Yeonjun had feelings for Choi Soobin?

It felt ridiculous to Soobin really. How could Yeonjun fall in love with Soobin?

Soobin stood still outside Yeonjun's room. He didn't move. He couldn't seem to.

I really like you Soobin.

I know I love you.

I don't need you to react on this.

Was Yeonjun serious about this?

Now Soobin got it. How seeing Soobin flustered made Yeonjun so happy. How Yeonjun's smile looked different when he was around Soobin.

How Yeonjun enjoyed teasing Soobin so damn much. And how Yeonjun would always be so soft with Soobin.

How carefully he would call him baby, and attend to him whenever needed, how Yeonjun came back early from his vacations, how he cared for Soobin when his leg was hurt, how— Soobin could keep it going on.

Yeonjun was in love with Soobin.

And well Soobin?

He wasn't. Or so he thinks.

He just realised how selfish Yeonjun was, ignoring Soobin for an entire week. He wasn't the only one suffering, as he said before. Soobin wasn't enjoying even a single minute of the week that had passed by.

Now he knew why Yeonjun was trying to avoid Soobin.

Soobin still stood in the corridor of Yeonjun's room. Yeonjun's room was right in front of him.

He put his ear to the door, and heard light sobs.

Whatever the situation was, Soobin disliked that Yeonjun was crying. Because of him.

He wanted to run inside and hug him and tell him that everything was okay. But was everything really okay?

Soobin didn't know how to face Yeonjun. And so he ran away like a coward. Like he always did.

He ran away from home and avoided that place because he was scared to go back, and now he was running away from Yeonjun.

Deattaching his ear from the door because the noises from inside the room sounded too painful, Soobin sighed.

Maybe what Yeonjun was doing was right.

Maybe it was best for Yeonjun and Soobin to just forget each other, and pretend that they never knew each other.

And Soobin was going to ignore Yeonjun too.


Yeonjun called Hyunjin up. He didn't want to keep the poor boy out for the entire night.

Soobin had ditched him, that didn't mean everyone would.

He still had feelings for the younger, but it didn't mean that he was disappointed. Very disappointed. 

He didn't expect Soobin to be so harsh and just walk out of the room. Did Soobin really not feel anything for Yeonjun?

All the time he blushed and got flustered at everything that Yeonjun said, the older thought that maybe deep down, they weren't just friends. But maybe Soobin didn't feel the same way.

Yeonjun should've expected it. Not everyone was as easy to fall in love like Yeonjun did.

Yeonjun was stupid, and he should've known what his silliness costed him. Now he knew, that Soobin wouldn't ever talk to his like before, he couldn't pretend that Soobin was his boyfriend.

Apart from that, Yeonjun couldn't even see him without awkwardness lingering in the air.

In conclusion short and sweet, Choi Yeonjun had absolutely fucked up by breaking down in front of Soobin and actually confessing to him.

"Hey, Yeonjun?" Hyunjin asked. "You okay?"

"Y-You can come back." Yeonjun mentally cursed himself for stuttering, but the hiccups after he had cried were never in his control.

Hyunjin must've sensed the shakiness in Yeonjun's voice, because his voice sounded almost apologetic to Yeonjun.

"I'm coming." Hyunjin replied, and cut the phone.


Taehyun entered the dorm room slowly, as in not to wake the elder up.

He knew that Beomgyu preferred to sleep early and it was a wrong timing that he had chosen to come back.

He was in for a shock, when he saw Beomgyu awake on the bed, and he was watching something on his laptop so closely, that he hadn't realised the presence of another living being in the room.

Taehyun settled his luggage down, and stared at Beomgyu, hoping that he'd notice him.

After around one twenty seconds of being ignored, Taehyun called out, "Psh, Beomgyu hyung."

Beomgyu scrunched up his face and turned back, and saw Taehyun.

"Just shut up for a while Tae- TAEHYUN?" Beomgyu gasped loudly, and shut the lid of the laptop aggressively. Oh his poor laptop. The shut noise would've pained his ears usually, but the elder male was too excited to see Taehyun.

 Beomgyu jumped, yes literally jumped into Taehyun's arms, hugging the male tightly.

Deja vu.

Last time Beomgyu had jumped on Taehyun in a similar manner, and how the younger loved his hyung's hugs. He missed Beomgyu more than he had realised.

Beomgyu didn't release Taehyun for a while, and Taehyun enjoyed that, and pulled the shorter male closer to him.

"When did you come back, stupid?" Beomgyu asked, hitting Taehyun's shoulder lightly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Taehyun scratched his head nervously, "Uh...surprise?!"

"Best surprise ever!" Beomgyu shouted excitedly, throwing his arms in the air.

Taehyun looked over to the laptop behind Beomgyu. "What were you watching?"

Beomgyu let out a nervous chuckle. "Uh... that's nothing." 

To maybe avoid that topic, Beomgyu began saying a bunch of shit;

"You know, Huening was here too, and Hyunjin never went away. I was super lonely, because both Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung had roommates. Those asses, they flexed on me so much! But now that you're here, we'll flex back on them, what do you say? Let's have a -" Beomgyu went on and on, and Taehyun smiled.

Classic Beomgyu. He never shut up. Maybe that's what Taehyun fell in love with.

Or maybe it was his eyes that sparkled so bright whenever he smiled or got excited, like now. Or maybe his stupid smile and laugh, which was so contagious that Taehyun would instantly began to laugh with him.

"- best roommate award. I'd give it to you." Beomgyu promised. "Would you give me the best roommated award too, Hyunie?"

"Mhm." Taehyun replied, which caused Beomgyu to get even more excited.

"Oh, yess! And then we'd be the best partners ever,  right?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yes." Taehyun answered with a loving smile on his face. "We'll be the best partners ever."

Maybe it was all of Beomgyu that Taehyun fell in love with.


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