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Yeonjun had just taken a shower, and was drying his body, standing in front of the mirror.

He put on his clothes and left the bathroom, only to see Hyunjin and some other girl in their room.

"Bro, what the fuck?" Yeonjun spat. "Please, no mushy shit in here. Hyunjin why didn't you tell me you'll be bringing Vanessa over?"

She turned her back and squinted her eyes at Yeonjun. Ah it was only Yeji.

Hwang Yeji was Hyunjin's cousin. Yeonjun kind of mistook her back profile for Vanessa's, and now Yeji judged him hardcore.

Great job, Choi Yeonjun.

"I wouldn't call Vanessa over, Yeonjun. I'll be going to her room." Hyunjin rolled his eyes, and then looked at Yeji. "This bitch came here uninvited. No one called her."

"Hey, don't be so mean to her." Yeonjun said. "She's your family afterall."

"Yeah, well whatever." Hyunjin said, pushing Yeji a little. "Now, scoot away Yeji, I'm going over to Vanessa's."

"But Ryujin threw me out of the room!" Yeji whined, and Hyunjin grabbed her by the hand. He whispered something into her ear, and she nodded, gulping harshly.

"She can stay here." Yeonjun said, and Yeji's eyes lit up. "I don't mind, anyway I only have my homework to complete. Some company won't do me any harm."

"Alright, I'll stay here." Yeji said, and Hyunjin shot her a look.

"Fine, but no funny business Yeji, I'm warning you." Hyunjin spoke and then turned to Yeonjun. "Might not be back for the night, buddy."

"When are you ever here for the night?" Yeonjun mumbled under his breath, and Hyunjin sighed.

He left for Vanessa's room, and a sort of an awkward silence filled the room.

"Alright!" Yeonjun said, cracking his knuckles, and then glancing at Yeji who was looking at him. "I'll do my work, and you'll..?"

"I'll just write my fan fiction on wattpad." Yeji smiled. "I won't disturb you, you can do your work."

Yeonjun nodded, not understanding whatever a fanfiction or a wattpad was but shrugged it off and sat down to complete his work.


Once he was done, he got up and stood. He began to put his books in the bag, and then he heard a tap on his back.

He turned back to see Yeji standing at a very close proximity with him.

"Um hey-" Yeonjun began, wanting her to maintain some sort of a distance from him, as he felt that she was standing too close.

All of a sudden, Yeji planted her lips on Yeonjun's and the door to the room opened, and Yeonjun heard the voice which was melody to his ears.

"Yeonjunnie!" Soobin's voice came, and then he froze after seeing seeing Yeji and Yeonjun doing whatever the fuck they were doing.

Soobin's expression was kind of unreadable, and Yeonjun's heart almost broke into a million pieces seeing that confused pout on his face.

"Get the fuck out, Soobin." Yeji said in a annoyed manner and Yeonjun rose an eyebrow. Who the fuck was she to say something like that to Soobin?

"I-I-brought some choco-" Soobin began and then after seeing Yeji glare at him, he fiddled with the door knob before he let the chocolate bar drop from his hands and made a hasty exit.

And the worst part was, that Yeonjun just stood still. He didn't move even a tad and didn't say anything to Soobin. He didn't stop Yeji from misbehaving nor did he try to explain.

Yeji turned back to Yeonjun with a sickening smile on her face. And that's when Yeonjun did what he was supposed to.

He pushed Yeji away from himself, and brushed his clothes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Yeonjun asked, and Yeji tilted her face slightly.

"Um, it's valentine's day, you don't have a date, I don't have a date so I thought-" Yeji said, batting her eyelashes at Yeonjun.

"SO YOU THOUGHT OF KISSING SOMEONE?" Yeonjun asked, and Yeji looked away.

"You're not just someone, Yeonjun." Yeji started. "I think I've always liked you. I'm always in around here and you always take such good care of me."

"Yeah, because I always thought of you as a younger sister!" Yeonjun almost shouted, and Yeji looked kind of shocked.

"So you don't like me?"

"No, ew, never." Yeonjun said, and Yeji scrunched up her face at Yeonjun. He figured it was rude, but Yeji wasn't exactly nice to him, so it was fine.

"Now, get out." Yeonjun said, and pointed towards the door.

"You're asking me to go away?!" She asked, with a sassy look on her face.

"Yes, now go away before I throw you out." Yeonjun spat, and she looked at him disgustingly once more before leaving the room with the annoying noise her heels made.

Yeonjun sighed as he saw the 'Luxurious Mint Chocolate' bar which Soobin had brought him, and wondered how he would face the younger male the next day.


Soobin just played the scene over and over again in his mind as he sat on the bed the next morning.

He wasn't jealous or whatever, it was just weird. Yeah, it was plain weird to see Yeji stuck to Yeonjun with glue.

HueningKai, who's standing on the other side of the room, was judging Soobin silently.

The elder male has just been sitting on the bed and staring at his feet, like they were the most important thing to him at the moment.

He's sure that something has happened in Yeonjun's room last night, but he knows better than to just ask Soobin. Soobin looks kind of funny, looking so deep in thought.

HueningKai finally decided to break the silence, by asking, "Did something happen with Yeonjun last night?" obviously adding the suspicion and a smirk on his face.

Soobin looked up from his feet finally, and glared at HueningKai. "Shut up before I kill you, Kai."

"But like, seriously, did your boyfriend do something weird? I'll kill him if something-"

"Huening, no. First of all, he's not my boyfriend. Second, nothing happened between us. Third, why the fuck are you so curious?"

Ignoring the second and third points, what caught Huening's attention was number one. "He's not your boyfriend?"

"He is. But he's not." Soobin said, scratching his neck. "You geddit?"

"No." Huening said blankly. "Not at all."

"Look."Soobin said, taking a deep breath in. "I don't either, okay? I think he has a girlfriend. Whatever, I have no idea. Once I understand, I'll tell you, okay?"

"But understand what?" Huening asked, but Soobin had already walked towards the bathroom, leaving HueningKai in a mess.

If you're dating, that means you're dating. What's the deal in the middle?


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