Promise {Angst}

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Momo sat up quickly, breathing heavily and sweating. She looked next to her and was in relief when she saw Jiro sleeping peacefully and tucked cozily in her bed. Momo tried to calm herself, staring out the window or looking around the room. As she did, she felt the shorter toss and turn and soon realized she woke up.

"Momo.? What are you doing up so late? Are you okay?" Jiro spoke quietly due to her raspy voice after waking up. She scratched the back of her head as she sat up and crawled in front of Momo. She cupped Momo's face in her hands.

"Yeah, I just had a dream that shocked me a bit? I don't know, but.." Momo paused in hesitation, "You said you were leaving me."

Jiro let out a small chuckle, confusing Momo. "Momo, I'd never leave you. I promise." Jiro whispered to the younger and gave a peck on her lips before tucking herself back in bed.

"Let's go back to sleep, it's 4am." Jiro suggested and Momo followed. Momo snuggled right under Jiro's chin and wrapped her arms around Jiro, in fear of really losing her.


"Jiro, where are you going?" Momo stood at the door way as Jiro was outside with her suitcase and all her things packed. As well as her best friend Denki by her side.

"I'm tired Momo. Let's end this."

"What? But you made a promise. Did you not?" Momo was in disbelief. She thought the promise would never be broken. She thought Jiro would never be the type to break a promise, but it seems she thought wrong.

"Momo, that was months ago." Jiro scratched the back of her ear as she responded.

"Months ago or not, it's still a promise Jiro! Do you even understand what a promise is? Jiro I thought you knew better than-" A punch struck Momo's cheek.

"Save your trap. Let's go, Jiro." Denki gave a glare at Momo as he guided Jiro away from her.

Momo ignored the physical pain as she watched the two slowly fade out of sight. Momo let out a sharp sigh and slammed the door shut in front of her. She held in for a bit, but soon let all the pain sink into her. She halted herself from breaking anything in her house and walked to her room as calmly as she can. But she couldn't believe it. How could Jiro, a person who she thought was sane and had sense, do that to her? If anything, she hated people who broke promises.


Jiro was at an arcade with Denki. While Denki was playing a game, someone caught Jiro's eye.

"I'll be back, give me a second." Jiro spoke to Denki and Denki simply gave a thumbs up. Jiro approached the person and struck a conversation.

"Hey," Jiro found herself hesitantly speaking, "You're Momo's best friend, right?" The person looked down at her, nodding.

"Yeah, name is Kendo. What's up?" Kendo pointed playful finger guns with quite a bright smile.

"I just wanted to ask how Momo is doing these past weeks." Jiro played with her own fingers and eventually ended up spinning her keys around.

"Oh, you must be her ex." Kendo's expression immediately tensed as she realized who she was talking to. Kendo scratched her cheek and looked to the side before responding to Jiro's question.

"Actually, I wouldn't say she's doing that well. I'm sure she's taking care of herself, but she hasn't left the house since." Kendo awkwardly chuckled.


"But I did convince her and basically drag her out of her house to meet up here- Oh! There she is." Kendo looked out to the entrance an saw Momo. Kendo waved and called her name while Jiro turned around and felt awkwardness arise in her.


Momo approached Kendo, taking note that Jiro was supposedly there too. Once there, Momo immediately stuck by Kendo's side. She looked at Jiro awkwardly as she slid her hands in her jacket pockets.

"Did you drag me along just to speak with her?" Momo rose an eyebrow and rested her chin on Kendo's shoulder.

"What? No no, I swear. I just happened to come across them. Or they came across me." Kendo responded to Momo. Jiro gave a small wave to Momo, Momo simply staring with no expression and didn't bother to wave back.

"Got anything to say to each other though?" Kendo blurted.

"Yeah, actually." Momo spoke as she fixed her hair gently with her hands.

"I hate you Jiro."

Jiro was immediately stuck with irritation but she knew she should've seen it coming. All Jiro could do was let out a sigh and respond to Momo. "Understandable.."

Kendo awkwardly laughed with slightly widened eyes and turned Momo around. "What the fuck are you thinking at a time like this right now?" Kendo whispered in Momo's ear. "I think we'll be carrying along with this arcade hangout. Bye." Kendo shoved Momo, walking away with her.

Jiro simply turned around and walked back to Denki, who smiled brightly as she handed her a prize he won for her. Jiro returned a smile and thanked him. Meanwhile, Momo had the time of her life with Kendo after so long.

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