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Groaning Keilani raises her head. She had hoped to be lying on her back, but she was instead chained to a wooden pole on a ship. She sighs and tilts her head. She shrinks back, shrieking, as she looks Harry in the eyes. Harry grins. "Look who's awake, huh?" she groans and turns to face him. ""Tsk Tsk," he murmurs, rubbing her cheek. "Didn't sleep well... love?" he inquires. She scoffs, annoyed. "Stop with the love." "I call ya whatever I want to call ya.. Love." "I frisked you while you were sleeping," he boasts when she notices the tight cords around her waist. He laughs. "Make sure nothing was on you," he advises. "What?" she inquires. Harry let out a quiet laugh. Keilani notices it all of a sudden. King Ben was on the pole in front of her. He was precisely tied up like she was. His gaze was fixed on her. "Ben," she sneers. Harry chuckles and approaches Ben. "How does it feel to be king now ay?" Keilani bites her lower lip. Uma smirks as she walks in front of her. "That little stunt you pulled yesterday... So hopeless" Uma says in a joking tone. She calls Harry as she walks away. Keilani lets out a sigh. It now appears reckless. She sighs and watches Harry tease Ben. He delicately inserts his hook under his chin and murmurs, "coochie coochie coo." "Harry, knock it off," Uma says.

"You said I could hook him," Harry rages. "I said at noon," Uma corrects. Harry grins. He raises a clock up to Ben's face. "Twenty minutes," he says quietly. "It says eleven thirty," Ben responds. Harry, enraged, walks away. "You better hope that your girlfriend comes through" says Uma with a smile. "She is no longer my girlfriend," Ben Soft responds. "What?" Keilani asks quietly. Uma beams. "Harry, leave us." Harry sighs and turns to face Ben. "13 to go," he adds as he moves over to Keilani.She looks up at Harry, terrified, and he takes his sword. As he lifts his blade, she panics. This is it, she believes. She glances up, surprised, when she feels no pain. He cuts the ropes but keeps her pressed against the pole. He retracts his sword and pulls her across the deck. "Harry," she sobs. Under his grip, her arm became blue. He doesn't respond. He simply shoves her over the plank. She glances down at the icy water beneath her as she struggles to maintain her equilibrium. She exhales as she notices her companions standing to the side. Jay is taken aback by Keilani's prescence. "Are you hurt?" he snarls. He certainly had no idea she was also here. Harry snatched her by the back of her dress and pressed his face against hers. "Not yet," he quips. Uma and Mal conversed, but she was solely concerned about not falling. When Harry pushes her forward, she shrieks gently. "No," she whimpers when she is asked to move forward. She is on the verge of collapsing. She feels his firm grip on her wrists. He looks up, surprised, at how she grips his garments. She pulls him in closer, terrified of falling. Harry, on the other hand, remains silent. He simply moves closer to her. Her entire body was trembling. "I'm not going to let you fall, darling," he says into her ear. He gives a warm smile. "Harry, bring her here," Uma shouts. Harry sighs and carefully pulls her away from the board. She takes a deep breath and attempts to regain control of her heartbeat. Gil smiles as he leads Ben to Uma. "Oh, my dad asked me to tell your dad that he wished that he finished him off anyway." Ben takes a peek at Gil. Harry pushes her to her knees. Next to Uma. Mal takes a step forward and hands Uma the Fairy Godmothers' wand. "Cut her free," Uma says. Harry simply assists Keilani with her ascent. Uma groans when she notices Keilani isn't restrained in any way. "Ben," Mal says, grabbing Ben's hand. Jay follows suit with Keilani. Uma and her staff applaud. She enthusiastically raises the wand. "Ben go," Mal replies, pushing him back. "Are you okay?" Jay asks as he helps her off the ship. Keilani nods in surprise. Harry gives Keilani one more look before returning his focus to Uma. Keilani shivers as Uma casts a spell. She lets out a roar. "NO!" she screams, smashing the wand. "Attack!" she yells. Jay protectively pushes Keilani behind him. Everyone takes up their swords. Lonnie presents Keilani with a sword. Keilani shakes as she grasps the sword. "Don't worry, you'll be fine," Lonnie adds. Keilani gives a nod. This was the first time she had ever held a sword in her life. But she doesn't have time to think. Everyone was fighting when the war broke out. It made no difference who they were battling. They simply fought till their opponent was defeated.She avoids a pirate who falls into the sea with a loud splash. When she glances up, she sees Harry jump into the water as well. She dashes over to the water, where he has jumped in. She glances in the water since the VKs are too preoccupied with fighting. She stretches her palm out and looks at the bubbles. Harry takes a breath and looks up at her. He takes her hand in his. She assists him in getting out of the water. "What the hell did you do?" she wonders. Harry smiles. "Glad to know you care about me love" he says. "But your friend dropped me hook in the water." Keilani sighs and rolls her eyes. Harry grins. "You don't have to go, Keilani," he adds abruptly. Keilani lets out a sigh. "You can be whoever you want right here..." Come Keilani," Jay murmurs, pulling her away from Harry. "Come one," he replies, shoving her behind him. Harry gives a mean grin. Keilani sighs softly and follows Mal. She takes Harry one last glance before diving into the iron tunnel. "Keilani" Carlos smiles and hugs her. Keilani grins sweetly and joins him in the Limo. He leaps into her lap. "I'm glad you're back," he says. Keilani lets out a sigh. "Me, too," she says. But it is only then that she realizes... It was spoken by dude. "Dude talks?" "Long story," Carlos chuckles, looking at Ben and Mal, who had a spat. She observes the opening of the Auredon Bridge, but all she can think about is Harry... why is he all she can think about? She lets out a long sigh. 

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