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Keilani raises her head, groaning. Her skull pounded violently. Her eyesight remains fuzzy, and she blinks slowly. The light was in her face, and it caused her to cringe. She tries to lift her hands because she wants to massage her eyes, but her hands are bound. She gazed about once her vision was clear again. She had never gone to this location before.She wakes up on the floor of a little square room. Boxes and containers are on the left and right. A desk is located in the center of the room. On a chair, a small pirate boy sits. His feet are resting on the table. A leather cap is laced across his face. He's probably napping. Keilani blinks her eyes open, attempting to free herself from the cords that bind her hands. She carefully rises up again, very slowly, so her bouncing head may have a breather. Her nose is tickled by the scent of fish. She sighs and takes a step forward. The timber beneath her feet is splintered. She bites her lower lip and stares at the lad. She takes another step forward, sighing. She grabs the doorknob. She returns her gaze to the sleeping pirate before turning the golden round knob. She slowly opens the door and peers through the crack. Uma seemed to have dumped her in a warehouse. She notices a dimly lit corridor ahead of her. On the left, there is an open area that appears to be a kitchen. A toilet sticker decorates the door on the right. Warm light comes through the arched entryway at the far end of the hallway.She squeezes herself through the door's crack and takes cautious steps into the corridor. She sets her feet lightly down, looking for a way out. When she hears the faint sound of footsteps coming, panic rises in her throat. She dives hastily behind a wooden barrel, holding her breath. The footsteps approach gently and come to a halt next to her at the entrance."Where is the princess?" a commanding voice asks. Keilani looks behind the barrel and sees Harry grasping the small pirate lad by the collar. "I...I'm not sure," the boy stammers. "I am sorry Harry, I." "Did "Did you fall asleep again?" Harry demands angrily. His voice is perilously low. "Find her," he says. Keilani closes her eyes for a little moment. Her heart beats. Why did she pursue Mal? Why couldn't she just shut up and listen? In the end, her mother was correct... Mal was correct... Keilani was no hero. But she had no choice now... She needed to be a hero. She hears Harry dash into the kitchen, the bathroom... Keilani takes a swallow. She checks her watch. The clock struck twelve. Or it was broken as a result of her fall, or the battery had expired. It came to a halt at six and twenty. God only knows how long that was. As she glances up, tears well up in her eyes.Only this time her gaze was drawn to something. She couldn't tell if it was an emergency door or simply a regular window, but the essential thing was that she could squeeze through. She peers behind the barrel once more. In the kitchen, Harry is searching like a crazy. Every closet, every location... He double-checks. She exhales and quietly crawls on her hands and knees toward the window. Her necklace quietly chimes. She freezes for a time, but when nothing appears, she continues to crawl."Come on," she says quietly, struggling with the window's lock. She smiles as she slides the window open."Where ya going?" she hears behind her. She turns around, surprised. Harry steps behind her, his smile already visible. "You think ya can get through there ay?"Keilani swallows and begins to crawl backward. She didn't measure the distance to the floor, but she wasn't planning on doing so right now. "Stay back," she says. Harry chuckles heartily. "You're too much," he says as he leaps toward her. She dodges and falls through the window in haste.Harry quickly grabs her arm and hangs himself out the window with his hook caught behind the frame. As he tries to pull them up, he moans between his teeth. "Let go of me," she says, striking his powerful arm. "You can't order me around, princess," Harry says as he pulls them up. He grabs her to his chest once more and wraps his arms around her delicate frame. "No," she screams, but he places his hand over her mouth. He shoves her closer to the arched archway. Keilani finds herself in a small, warm, and sloppy eatery that stinks like fish. "Harry," Uma chuckles. "Didn't I tell you there's only one person you can rely on?" "Didn't I?" she exclaims. "You are just getting deeper and deeper into problems Princess" While Harry pushes the girl down on a chair, Uma whispers to her face. Keilani sighs as she blows her hair out of her face. With a sneer on his face, Harry brings his hook up beneath her chin. He brings his face closer. Keilani scoffs and turns her head away. Harry laughs. She stares at him as he takes a seat in front of her. "Watch her Harry, apparently you're the only one I can trust," Uma adds as she returns to the kitchen. Harry sets his hat down on the table. Keilani takes a swallow. He really does look good without his hat. "You didn't think this was going to be easy now, did you?" he quips. "Easier," Keilani grumbles. Harry chuckles. "What the hell am I doing here?" she wonders. "As bait," Uma adds, laughing. Keilani bites her lower lip. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Mal doesn't really care much for me," Uma said with a chuckle. "Harry, please take her back. "The one who doesn't give a damn will be here soon enough," Uma laughs. Harry laughs. "If she shows." "Oh, she'll show," Uma chuckles. Harry grins and drags Keilani back to the first chamber. Keilani makes an attempt to move her body back out of his hold. Harry growls at her and shoves her up against the kitchen wall. Keilani puffs and gazes into his brilliant blue eyes. He clamps her between his thighs and grips her hands tightly. "Listen dearie.. don't try to annoy meh," he says quietly. When Keilani doesn't respond, he pulls her further into the room. He slams the door shut behind him. Keilani kicks him again when he turns. She dashes past him, but this time Harry is faster. He clutches her in his arms and pulls her up against his chest. He lets out a quiet groan and presses her stomach against the wall. "You've done it now," he growls in her ear. Keilani gets a shudder. A tear falls from her jaw. "You're a feisty one, ain't you?" he chuckles. He pulls her onto the desk chair and climbs on top of it. He adds, "You know," and points his hook at her. However, he shakes his head. "You really are a villain," she says quietly. She obviously struck a nerve. His expression hardens abruptly. "I'd shut it, lass," he says with a grin between his teeth. His voice was quite low. Harry leaps to his feet and helps her up. He presses her against the wall and looks her in the eyes. "You may act as if you are superior to us, Princess. But you aren't," he adds, biting his lower lip. "What are you talking about," Keilani inquires. He does not respond, but just moves closer. He smirks as he looks Keilani in the eyes. Harry swallows and steps backward. Suddenly, he drags her back to the restaurant. "Harry?" Uma inquires. "I was going to hurt her," he grumbles. Uma rolls her eyes and steps back. Harry throws her down on a chair and sits in front of her again. "Now behave, princess," he says quietly, bringing his face closer to hers.Keilani tilts her chin to the side. "Hey Harry, Keilani," Gil says. Keilani raises her eyes to the kid. Harry sighs and gets back up. Gil has saved Keilani without even knowing it. Keilani inhales deeply and swallows. "Are you guys hungry? I'm really hungry." particularly after we had that king Ben tied up in the." Gil looks startled at Keilani. Gil stops speaking as he notices Harry's annoyed and angry expression. "I am just going to get some food I think," Gil said. "You guys want anything?" Harry is even more enraged at him. Gil makes an awkward turn and goes away again. Did he just say tie-up king Ben, did hefollow them? Of course, he follows her, but why... why did Uma also kidnap him? And did Ben pursue her by himself? Would he be aware that Keilani had followed Mal? Keilani raises her eyes to Harry, who had been staring at her the entire time. "Pretty Duckling," he murmurs as he sweeps a hair away from her cheek. "You're shaking like a leaf Darling," he jokes, kissing her cheek. "Talking about mood swings," Keilani scoffs. He takes the bowl of food from Gil's grasp. "Hey" he says. When Harry does not respond, he returns to get another bowl. "So, Keilani, do you have fins as well?" Gil inquires as he takes a seat at the table. Harry glares at him aggressively once more. Keilani gives him a puzzled look. "You know my father said your father wasn't a good team player at all," he sighs, putting a spoon of rice in his mouth. "I am Gaston's son," Gill explains. "Oh," Keilani exclaims. Gil gives a nod and takes another spoon. Harry gets to his feet and points his hook at her. "Stay," he says. Keilani moans, biting her lower lip. Gil seemed not to be interested in her. As Harry approaches Uma, Keilani takes a soft peek around. They speak quietly, too quietly for her to hear. She takes a peek around. Is it possible? Many individuals are eating and drinking at tables. Her men, most likely. Some people stared at her. She stares down, uncomfortable. She looks at Gil, who has silverware on a napkin next to him. She casts a peek at the knife. Harry returns with a platter of food before she can try it. When he brings a spoon to her mouth, Keilani seals her lips. Harry chuckles. "Open wide," he quips. "It's just fish," he says, blinking. Keilani takes a swallow. Is he saying that on purpose? Keilani bites his palm when he tries to open her mouth, enraged. "Fiesty," Harry jokes, shaking his pained finger. He moves it in closer. "Eat," he says, removing the cords from her wrists. Her blood rushes furiously through her wrists now that they are free. When Harry notices her looking, he laughs. "Lass, didn't ya mother learn you it is not nice to stare?" Shy Keilani moves her gaze away from him. "I don't think so, her mother stared all the time at humans right" according to Gil. Harry is irritated at Gil yet again. Harry smirks as he returns her gaze. She simply wishes to smack him. Especially when he rubs his hook under her chin. Harry brushed some of her hair away from her face. Harry smiles as he brushes her hair away from her face. "You are a lovely lady," he says quietly. "Eat lass, and no running of aye?" She looked across at Harry, who had climbed over the counter and turned on the television. "She's testing my patience," Uma grumbles. Harry stares at Keilani, who is staring at the door as if she is expecting someone to burst in. Harry returns his gaze to Uma. "Calm down, Uma," Harry says. "You are the one who must talk. I instructed you to keep her in the back. "What did she do to get on your nerves like this?" Uma inquires. Harry does not respond. He puts his hand on Uma's shoulder, but she pushes back. Harry sighs and takes a bite. Slowly Keilani casts a glance at Gil. He is preoccupied by stuffing food down his troth. And, like the others, he is preoccupied with the television. She examines the exit slowly. She can make it if she moves quickly enough. She can get away if the others don't see her. She gently rises. Gil doesn't even look up. She swallows as she approaches towards the door. "Aye, she's escaping," she hears all of a sudden. Harry takes a step back and turns to face the table where Keilani is meant to sit. He growls and smacks his hand on the counter. Keilani flees the restaurant as fast as she can. She dashes through the docks, shoving people aside.

She takes a step back and notices Harry coming in on her. "Shit," she curses as she sprints into the dark, nasty city. She quickly turns a corner and leans against the dark wall. As Harry sprints past her, she holds her breath. She takes a deep breath, relieved. A shrieking street cat near to her ear causes her to jump. She takes a step back, fearful. A trash can lands on the floor with a loud thud. She curses softly before resuming her sprint. She had no idea where she was headed, only that she needed to get away from the pirate. She could normally conceal in crowds, but it had to be after midnight. Nobody was on the street. 

Even though she was tired, she was depressed due of her high heels. She curses and tries to stand up, but the slick stones cause her to tumble all over herself. "Nowhere to go, lass," Harry chuckles as he approaches her. She bites her lower lip as she examines the boxes. Should she do it? She didn't have much of a choice. She scrambles up the boxes and crawls over the fence in this manner. Harry looks at her, stunned. She dashes into an alley, not knowing where she is. She takes a look behind her. He didn't stick around! As she came to a halt, a smile appeared on her lips. Her heart was racing in her chest. She sighs deeply and rubs her eyes. She walks softly further and collides with someone.Harry wraps his arms around her and presses her against his body, preventing her from kicking him a third time. Tired and terrified, she attempts to fight him while tears well up in her eyes. Harry laughed gently. "Don't make it hard, princess," he says into her ear. She whimpers and stops struggling after realizing what he was talking about. Harry pulled her over, but he quickly became bored of her struggle. He shoves her against the wall and seizes her arms. "Let me go," she says. Harry chuckles and holds her more tightly. "Can't do that now, lass," he says quietly. Keilani continues to strive and becomes enraged. He slammed her up against the wall, causing her back to ache. "Enough fighting!" he exclaims. "Uma is going to have my neck," he growls as she looks at him with moist eyes. "Why do you do all of this for Uma?" she exclaims. Harry grins. "Are ya jealous lad?" Keilani laughs. He smirks as he rubs her hair out of her face. "Now, dearie," he says softly as he approaches. "There will be no more fighting," he says quietly. "As I'll listen to you," Keilani responds. But she didn't have a choice; her damaged body was fatigued. She was starving and freezing. She lets out a sigh. "That's it, submit to meh," Harry says quietly in her ear. She shivers, knowing how much he adores this. He takes her up and transports her back to the chip chop.Uma wanders back and forth in the shop when he walks in. "Harry!" she exclaims, relieved. "That little twit will not leave again!" Harry grins and sets her down. "Harry, secure the princess." When she struggles, he whispers in her ear, "Easy love." "Back up," Keilani orders angrily. Gil bursts out laughing. He looks at her with a "classic" expression on his face. Gil quips, "Kill him, girlfriend." Keilani's lips crackle with a sweet smile. Gil is far from a villain! "She'll be here any moment so stop talking," she says. "If she shows," Harry mutters. "She'll show up." "She has two people she cares about," Uma laughs. Keilani chews the inside of her upper lip."I'm back" suddenly appears. "Get the princess out of here" says Uma. Without warning, Harry tightens his grip on Keilani and pulls her back. "Harry, I can't breathe," Keilani exclaims as he yanks her away from Mal and Uma. He leads her back into the first room, closing the door behind him. Keilani screams as she nearly falls, but Harry catches her just in time. He sits her down at the desk. "Now stay put like a good girl," he instructs. "I am not a dog, you know," Keilani growls. Harry laughs and strokes her hair. "You could be," he says quietly, nestling himself between her knees. Keilani tightens up slightly. She nibbles her lower lip as she stares into his brilliant eyes. Harry grins. "How is it now to be a princess, ay?" he asks, a little rudely. Keilani lets out a sigh. "Not that much fun, love," Harry jokes. "It's stupid, and it's none of your business," Keilani chastises. "Tell me... love," Harry says, turning Keilani's face back to him. Keilani lets out a sigh. "I don't want to be a princess," she says quietly. Harry sniffs and uses his hook to elevate her chin. She takes a deep breath and turns to face Harry. "I am so sorry.. I..." "Don't apologize for something you've been holding back for far too long," he responds quietly. I just couldn't say it to anyone. Nobody seems to get it. Never mind listening. I do not wish to be a member of the royal family. Not if it means having to live like this." "Perhaps I am not your kidnapper, perhaps I am your savior," he blinks. Keilani gives a cautious smile. "That's what you make of it." Harry laughs. He rests his hand on Keilani's knee. He glances up, irritated, as Gil enters the room. "Uma has asked you to transport the princess to the ship. "Mal was defeated," he grins. Harry lets out a groan and drags Keilani away from the desk. He carries her from the Chip chop to the ship without saying anything. 

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