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Deep coughing Keilani climbs on the surface. This time just for good. She stands up and looks around. Random people pass her. They don't even glance at her. How is she going to find Harry? Should she ask someone. 

"Hey" she exclaims and grabs a man his arm. "Have you seen Harry" she asks. He shakes his head and walks away. Keilani sighs. She peeks around. One of the boys is staring amused at her. Is that of his pirate rats? Or is it Yzma her son again? She knows him, doesn't she? From the chip chop. She walks closer but stops abruptly. Crap!  That is Shan Yu's son, Atilla. 

Hastily she steps back as he walks towards her. "Shit" she curses as she pushes two men on the side. "Come on," She hasn't even been on this cursed island for five minutes and she's already in trouble! She couldn't even pause and think about what she had done.  No. She cant even search for Harry since a crazy hun races behind her. Oh wow, he's pretty fast, she thinks as she looks back and sprints faster. Her heels click on the cobblestones while she looks for a hiding place. Growling she looks at the men she passes, hoping to run into Harry. Cursing she stops as the road ends with a big fence. She looks at Atilla who grinningly walks closer. 

 "So princess," he remarks. His voice was harsh, just like his father's. Keilani wrestles with the iron shackle while keeping her gaze fixed on the Hun. "Nowhere to go," he chuckles. Keilani mutters and tugs on the latch. When the gate swings open, a quiet screech is heard. Atilla looks up in shock. Hastily she runs into the dark tunnel. "Hey no!" "Come back," he yells. "Like hell," Keilani scoffs. In her best-case scenario, this is similar to the iron pipe. A quick fix. Worst-case scenario... She considers this for a moment. But she has no choice. She walks gently over the train tracks. Her attention is drawn to distant music. She hears a voice yelling something she doesn't understand. Perhaps she should return? However, the music... It entices her... It urges her to approach. It's almost like a magical sound that draws her closer and closer. And turning around is not an option. She doubts Atilla wasn't waiting for her right there. But why didn't he pursue her? Perhaps whatever lies beyond this cave is even more dangerous than the Hun youngster. When a lizard hisses in front of her feet, she freezes. She scoffs and walks past the small green beast. The cave is filled with a rhythmic buzz of blue electricity. It reminds her of ancient deserted diamond mines. When her shoe slips off the rail, she curses, "Shoot." She cautiously rises and peers behind a wooden beam. She sighs deep. Crap. The tunnel ends in a cave. A small cave that looks like someone his home. A table, a bed, and a couch. An ancient TV and some other junk she doesn't recognize. Cozy? 

Hypnotized she looks at the strong man who plays the guitar. In the cold light his bright blue hair seems to glim. She realizes quickly who this is as she takes one look at his jacket... soul thief... Hades.

"Hades," she murmurs... And then she realizes what's going on. What exactly is she doing here? She slowly turns around and walks away... It's too late. Hades stomps on the table and groans. "I AM A GOD," he exclaims loudly. The music came to a halt. She swallows and freezes. She hears Hades taking a deep breath. Stealthily she looks over her shoulder. He still has his back to her. Slow she steps further. Her heel taps on the iron railroad rail. He turns around. His lips form a wicked smile.

"Oh, you shouldn't have come here," he chuckles. Keilani swallows and takes another step back. Hades grins. Faster than she realizes he moves closer to her. "What's the problem?" "Lost," he jokes. Keilani is speechless for the first time. She turns back and attempts to flee, but Hades appears behind her. He wraps his arms around her waist and clings to her. She tries to escape his strong arms.  Hades chuckles. "Come on, you didn't come down here just for a sneak peek right," he says with a smile. He drags her into his studio cave apartment. Keilani tries to kick him, but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.

Hopelessly she whimpers.  Hades laughs once more. He places her on the sofa and falls next to her. With fear of moving Keilani examines Hades' unshaven chin. What in the world had she gotten herself into? She tries to get up again, but he grabs her again. He laughs as he places her on his lap. He smirks and waves his finger in front of her, "Ah, ah." "I'm guessing you're not from around here," he replies, looking at her. Keilani swallows. Her heart is pounding in her chest. Hades laughs with delight. "You know, you shouldn't just enter dark places like that" he chuckles. Keilani shivers. She looks over at the blue sparkling pearl on on his nightstand. Hades laughs as he follows her gaze. "Did you enjoy the show?" he teases. Keilani takes another glance at him. "Not a girl of many words I see I like it," he scoffs. Keilani exhales deeply. What makes her so speechless? Is it because he's a God? He takes souls... Keilani, don't be a fool. Do not even consider saying anything that would irritate him. Hades stares her in the eyes and wipes a hair from her mouth. "You know, I used to be a God," he confesses. Keilani gives a nod. "I used to have an entire universe... And now... I have... NOTHING... thanks to people like you," he continues. When he yells, Keilani trembles. She jumps up afraid. Her eyes shine with tears. "Shh," he comforts. He stands in front of her and squats. He wipes a tear off her cheek. His lips are set in a gentle smile. Keilani can't describe it, but the man in front of her possesses an enigmatic hold over her. He grins as he sweeps her hair away from her face. "You know I don't get many visitors... Most people here are smarter" he says with a smirk. Keilani shivers as he approaches. He stares her in the eyes and gives her a menacing smile. "What's your name, sweetheart" he inquires. "Come on, don't be shy," he says with a grin. Keilani, don't tell him your name, she thinks. He is the God of the underworld. Who knows what he's capable of with yours? Hades is getting closer and closer. "Don't make me guess," he says quietly. She is aware this was not a polite request. Hades quickly approaches her and sniffs her hair. When she shivers, he chuckles and tilts his head back. "I used to have a little girl like you... To do my bidding," he quietly whispers in her ear. He rubs her chin. "Get comfortable," he says softly, rubbing her head like a puppy. "You might be staying for a while," he jokes. Her heart pounding in her chest like a racehorse. What made her come in here? Whatever Atilla had intended probably wasn't this bad. Instead, she was imprisoned in the chamber of the most terrible God of them... the God of Soul Stealer. "Why did you come here, huh?" he asks, looking into her eyes. 
"I suppose that you can't get me into Auredon right." Keilani does not respond. "Right," he asks more loudly. Keilani exhales deeply and shakes her head. Hades smiles. He wiggles his tongue between his lips. "What a shame," he muffles. She swallows, hypnotized by his brilliant eyes. "You know what I could do with you," he softly says. Keilani shudders. "Hades," she pleads gently. "There's sound," he quips. "Good to know," he says quietly, chuckling. "Could come in handy," he says, blinking. Keilani shakes her head lightly. "Oh, don't worry," he laughs. "We're just going to have a good time," he chuckles. "Where to begin?" he asks, wiping her hair from her shoulder. "You know, I heard Auredon was under attack. My heart goes out to those unfortunate people. Oh, no. It's difficult to guess who would wish to hurt them. It's not like Belle and Beast resolved a long time ago to expel those who didn't fit the auredon hold. Determining who is good or bad. What is wrong or right? Forcing everyone who disagreed to live on a crowded tiny island with no magic. There is no freedom. There's no hope. You can only stay here for so long until you go insane. That makes you wonder, is everyone truly evil? Do they deserve to be here? I was Lord of the Underworld, not Lord of the Underground. I didn't want their world when they imprisoned me, but after being imprisoned here for 18 years, maybe I do. That's why I've been watching, waiting, and scheming for the right time to strike since the people of Auredon have long forgotten how close they are to the peril they created. My time here is up, and all that stands in my way is a naive prince and a few VKs who abandoned us. Were you so arrogant, Auredon, to believe that if you wronged us, we would not seek vengeance? "Were you?" he exclaims loudly. Keilani jumps afraid. She shivers and glances at his expression. He takes a big breath and softly chuckles. "And now.. there also stands a princess in my way," he says with a giggle. Keilani steps back, terrified. He gets to his feet and chuckles. "Come now... Don't be afraid," he laughs as he approaches her carefully. Her back collides with a hefty beam. Hades chuckles and approaches. He licks his lips as he glances at her. "You should have stayed in Auredon little girl" he says with a laugh. She grabs the beam nervously. She searches for a defense but finds nothing useful. No, she has no options... Hades smirks. He rests his arm against the beam above her head. "You know.. its been a while for me" he jokes. Keilani her lips part gently. Her attention is drawn to a subtle movement behind Hades. She casts a glance behind him. A shadow enters his lair. "Eyes up here," he whispers as he traps her against the beam. He chuckles mockingly.  He smiles as he places his hand next to her face. Keilani shivers as he moves his head closer to her, motioning to kiss her.

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